Modifying Date Format
I would like to remove the comma from the post date format. I found a support thread that suggests creating a child theme, pasting the content from content.php into it, and replacing line 22
<p class=”post-date”><?php the_time(‘j M, Y’); ?></p>
<p class=”post-date”><?php the_time(‘j M Y’); ?></p>.I’ve tried this, but the date does not change. Can someone tell me what I might be doing wrong?
Thank you!
Hi donnap. Depending on where the post is being displayed and which post layout you are using, you would need to copy content-featured.php and content-standard.php to your child theme and make the same change.
Thank you for your advice. I tried your suggestion with no luck. Any other tips?
Thank you!
Oh, my site is, if you need to see it.
OK, I think the issue is how you’re trying to modify the code. Not sure what the support thread you found said but, when you copy the contents of a php file from the parent theme to a child theme, you need to replicate the entire file, in the same path, in the child theme. So, instead of pasting the code into your custom css, you would need to actually create a file named content.php in your child theme, copy the code from the parent file there, and then make your changes in the file in the child theme. In reality it’s probably easier to just copy the entire content.php file to your child theme rather than cut-and-paste the all the code. This way, when your site runs, it uses whatever files you have in your child theme and ignores the “duplicate” files in the parent theme. So, for each of the three content files mentioned above, copy those to your child theme and make the date format changes in the child theme files. Then delete all the code you copied into your custom css file. That should fix it.
Thank you for your response! I’m not quite sure how to do what you’ve proposed, though. It seems like I need to create a new file structure within my child theme, which may be beyond my current technical abilities. I just want to remove the comma. Is there a simple solution to this, or do you think it involves a lot of coding?
Here are the threads I read: also tried to do what Alexander Agnarson suggested, but it crashed my site.
I also found this thread: really appreciate any help you can offer!
I have the same question, and found no solution. I managed to change some of the .php (parent)files involved (knowing that after the next update, I will loose these changes, but for the time being I can live with that).
Nevertheless, I could not find where to remove the comma in the sidebar widgets where the post-name, post-date and image are shown.
I too would appreciate if there would be a simple way to just remove this comma for good (preferably in the next update).
On the whole, I must say I love this theme, this is the only problem I encountered.
As both of the threads that @donnap posted have said, there are two ways the date is formatted in the theme:
1. In the single post view, the date takes on the format that you have defined in Settings > General > Date Format. To change the date format in the single post view, you only need to change the Date Format setting.
2. In every other case, including sidebar widgets, the date format is coded in the related php file as I mentioned in my first post above. This was done to save space on the page and not disrupt the theme layout. To change the date format in these cases, you need to copy the related php file to a child theme, then edit the file code to change the format, even if the change is as simple as removing the comma. Once you have copied the file to your child theme you would use the Admin Appearance > Editor to open the file, make the change, and save it. For the sidebar alx-widgets there is an extra step of copying a function from the parent theme to your child theme functions.php file and making a change. You would use the same editor to change the functions.php file.
I’d be glad to list the steps involved if you’re interested.I agree that this theme is fantastic!
It would be great if the comma was removed in the next theme update. (‘j M, Y’) is technically incorrect. The correct date presentation should be (‘j M Y).
30 JAN 2015 – correct
30 JAN, 2015 – comma mistake.When presented with the month first, the correct date punctuation is Jan 30, 2015.
This mistake is a bit embarrassing for an English teacher!
I would very much appreciate listed steps!
I installed the Hueman Child Theme, which is where I’ve been making other minor edits to the theme. Is this where I copy the all of the php files (content, content-standard, and content-featured)? Or do I create a new child theme and paste these php files there? Also, I’m confused if I need to create new, individual “child” php files for content.php, content-standard.php, and content-featured.php. If so, I’m not sure how to do this.
@donnap – You would use your existing child theme. For the three main content files (content.php, content-featured.php and content-standard.php), you would copy those files from the parent theme to your child theme, using FTP or cPanel. Then you make the changes to the date format in the child theme files. When the site is generated it will use the files it finds in your child theme and ignore the “original” files in the parent theme.
Hi BDBrown,
I’m very impressed by your knowhow! Ik hope you can help me out. I managed to change the 3 content-.php files earlier, but in view of future updates, I now copied these to the child theme.To get the date right in the side bar, I now should alter the functions.php file. But I have no idea what part of it: I cannot find a date format in the functions.php file, either in the file that already existed in the child-theme or in the file of the original theme. Emptying cache did not help.
Could you please help out?
To modify the date in the sidebar widgets:
1. Copy the alx-____.php widgets you want to use from the parent theme /hueman/functions/widgets/ folder to the same folder in your child theme. You’ll need to create the folder structure in your child theme. It won’t work if you put the widget php files in the child theme root folder with the other child theme files like style.css.
2. Change the date formats in the child theme alx-____.php files.
3. Make the updates to your child theme functions.php file described in this thread.Thanks! I just followed the steps you pointed out, and it works. As far as I’m concerned, the discussion is closed, but I did’n’t start is, so I just leave it at this.
Glad it worked.
@donnap – if this fixes the question in your original post please mark the topic as resolved. Thanks.Thank you bdbrown!! It worked! I appreciate all of your help!
Hello there! I reopened this thread because I just found another comma in the date format that I’d like to remove, but I know what php file to change. The date appears in the “You may also like”/ Related Posts widget.
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