• I want to modify the header of my landing page template (genesis eleven40pro theme) to have a different header.


    Just to try and be clear, according to the vosual hook guide there seem to be about 10348586686 different content areas all with the word header in them so please excuse me if I am getting the terminology incorrect but the area i want changed I would personally calla header but i’m not sure if thats what your plugin does – does that make sense?

    I’ve attached a screen shot of roughly what I’d like to do. and thats use a different ‘header’ with logo etc at very to of my landing page template but change the colour of the header bar and move the log to the centre.

    Can i do that with this plugin (if so how?)

    I read a similar thread in which you said you were working on another plugin that might be able to do this if this cant, is that correct?


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  • Plugin Author Nick Diego


    There are a few “header” hooks included with the Genesis Framework, so I understand that this can be confusing. One thing to note is that this plugin does not replace any existing content, it just adds content. So you could add a custom header to a page, and using the proper CSS and markup, have a centered logo image and background color. However, this would not remove any existing header that is there. Of course you can add some additional PHP to your theme’s functions.php file to remove the existing content and then all that would be left is the content added by this plugin. my.studiopress.com is a great resource for code snippets.

    Another thing to note is that this plugin cannot add “global” content blocks. Meaning that it cannot, in one fell sweep, add a header to every landing page. You would have to add the content to each individual page.

    If you are just looking for a centered logo and a different background color on you landing pages, you should be able to accomplish this with CSS. It might be the easier and more “elegant” solution.

    Thread Starter newedgemarketing


    Hi thanks for your email i’m not to concerned about having to change it on all pages i’m creating a mini course so will only need to do it for 5 pages.

    This image in the link below is closer to what i would ideally like:
    <a href=”https://www.newedgemarketing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/header-buffer.png

    But I’ve tried playing around with a quick image and content but cant get anywhere close see below:

    I want a background image that spans the full width not just the 700px width content area which i thought the plugin would let me do.

    then I’d like a smaller version of my log in the top left corner but not in the background image as this would not make it responsive. and to add text for the title of each lesson like the image about shows but again not in the background image but as text centered ontop of the image.

    NOTE: the logo you can see in this current page I’d eventually delete form the PHP.

    Thread Starter newedgemarketing


    Apologise I made a mistake with one of the links about this is what I am getting when i try it:

    Thread Starter newedgemarketing


    Sorry i think i’m having user error with this wordpress dashboard:wish you could edit your posts or see them before they go live:


    Plugin Author Nick Diego


    Everything that you described can be done with this plugin, if I am understanding you correctly. You will just need to apply the necessary CSS to get things layered on top of one another and the correct size. For instance, for the width issue your theme has the following style setting: .eleven40-landing .wrap { max-width: 750px }. You will need to target the new header with something like:

    .gch-header .wrap { max-width: 100% }
    .gch-header .gch-header-image-inner { width: 100% }
    .gch-header img { width: 100% }

    This should get you started.

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