We’ve setup a new environment for making it really easy to translate Profile Builder in any language, as well as downloading the translation files.
French translation is already 82% complete, so it would be great if you could help and add your translated strings there, so that other users may benefit from them.
Then on the page bottom click Export and select the .po and then the .mo files.
You need to rename them: profile-builder-fr_FR.mo and profile-builder-fr_FR.po and place them in the Translation directory in the plugin.
Then in the WP back-end UI, under Settings go to Site Language and select French. This way all your Profile Builder strings will be in French.
We’ll also make sure to include all the translations updates in each plugin update.
The price for the Hobbyist or Pro versions can be viewed here.
If you have any other questions regarding the premium versions please submit a support ticket. We are not allowed to offer support for premium plugins on these forums.
Best regards,