• I have installed the latest WP and the latest NGG.

    I have modified nextgen_basic_imagebrowser.php so that ngg-imagebrowser-nav is located below the array and above the large image. (See below.)

    I have modified the CSS using nggallery.css.

    When I was done, I had achieved the look I was after. However, the CSS is not consistent. It may look correct on a few images, and then it looks a scrambled mess on another image. I have tried multiple browsers. I have cleared caches, but the problem remains.

    NOTE: I use large images. And so prior to the changes above, each time I clicked “Next” to view the next image, the page would jump to the top of the screen. To make it easier to navigate, I moved that navigation above the image.

    These are the page(s):


    <div class='ngg-imagebrowser' id='ngg-imagebrowser-3466f829c18f38915236b1c9a2934657-81' data-nextgen-gallery-id="3466f829c18f38915236b1c9a2934657">
      <div id="ngg-image-0" class="pic" >
        <div class='ngg-imagebrowser-nav'>
          <div class='back'>
              <a class='ngg-browser-prev' id='ngg-prev-286' href='https://rowlandwilliams.com/chez/private-dining/nggallery/image/one/'>Back</a>
              <div class='next'>
              <a class='ngg-browser-next' id='ngg-next-288' href='https://rowlandwilliams.com/chez/private-dining/nggallery/image/three/'>Next</a>
              <div class='counter'>
              Picture 2 of 7
              <div class='ngg-imagebrowser-desc'>
          <a href='https://rowlandwilliams.com/chez/wp-content/gallery/private-dining/two.jpg' title=' '
          data-description=" "
          <img title='two' alt='two' src='https://rowlandwilliams.com/chez/wp-content/gallery/private-dining/two.jpg'/></a>


    <div class='ngg-imagebrowser' id='<?php echo $anchor; ?>' data-nextgen-gallery-id="<?php echo $displayed_gallery->id(); ?>">
      <h3><?php echo esc_attr($image->alttext); ?></h3>
      $template_params = array(
          'index' => 0,
          'class' => 'pic',
          'image' => $image,
      $this->include_template('photocrati-nextgen_gallery_display#image/before', $template_params);
      <div class='ngg-imagebrowser-nav'>
        <div class='back'>
          <a class='ngg-browser-prev'
          id='ngg-prev-<?php echo $previous_pid; ?>'
          href='<?php echo $previous_image_link; ?>'>
          ◄ <?php _e('Back', 'nggallery'); ?>
        <div class='next'>
          <a class='ngg-browser-next'
          id='ngg-next-<?php echo $next_pid; ?>'
          href='<?php echo $next_image_link; ?>'>
          <?php _e('Next', 'nggallery'); ?>
        <div class='counter'>
          <?php _e('Picture', 'nggallery'); ?> <?php echo $number; ?> <?php _e('of', 'nggallery'); ?> <?php echo $total; ?>
        <div class='ngg-imagebrowser-desc'>
          <?php echo $image->description; ?>


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  • Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @rwilliams1961 – I really cannot speak to the code you are using as we do not generally support specific custom templates but you might consider using the default template and activating the Ajax Pagination option if your concern was the “jumping”

    See if that helps because I am not seeing any navigation on the sample page for the ImageBrowser displays.

    – Cais.

    Thread Starter rwilliams1961


    Thank you for your help.

    No, I’m not seeing any navigation, either. It’s really odd. The formatting I had (I pulled it to try your suggestions) worked beautifully. It placed the nav above the image. It worked, except when it didn’t. It was almost like the stylesheet loaded AFTER the page, and so the formatting was missing. But it was the same formatting for each image, so how would that happen?

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @rwilliams1961 – Have you tried clearing your image cache under Gallery > Other Options > Miscellaneous?

    – Cais.

    I have.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @rowlandville – Please try to stay within your own topic so things do not get crossed-up and the OP loses their issue being addressed.


    – Cais.

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