• Resolved kaykay123



    Love your plugin – thank you.

    However, I am trying to set moderation for reviews submitted on the product page.

    I have researched this and tried your advice to set moderation by checking all boxes for WordPress comments, as I believe reviews submitted in non-agg forms are handled as comments. This is all set as required, yet I am still not being notified of reviews and they are not being held for moderation.

    I have read somewhere that you have to change the Review plugin settings to WordPress/Woo standard review display, rather than the plugin’s fancy one. I don’t wish to do this though – I like how the plugin’s review block looks, and don’t wish to go old school with the basic one. Plus, I’ve read that this removes images too, which I also don’t want.

    My reasoning for wanting to moderate reviews is because I have opened review possibility to anyone who’s logged in rather than just verified owners. This is because I make many sales at local events where people are not buying through the website, and my customers want a way to review the product afterwards. I need to make sure the product they are reviewing is the correct product they purchased at the event, rather than someone just putting a review on any product online they see fit. In not being able to do so would actually result in somewhat ‘false’ reviews for products, which seems to go against what your goals of this plugin is.

    Is there a way to achieve this without resorting to the basic Woo/WP look for reviews?

    Additionally, I just wanted you to know that I am also experiencing difficulties with the [cusrev_reviews_grid] shortcode. When trying to display that on product pages, no review box appears – it just shows ‘no reviews to show’. I have attributed ‘add_review=”true”‘ and ‘products=”current”‘ but it doesn’t do anything – hence why I currently have no reviews on my site (unbeknownst to me, my customers were unable to add reviews with that shortcode in use, and I wasn’t aware until I simulated a purchase myself to check as there was no other way to do so). I now use [cusrev_all_reviews] instead, but really wanted a grid look. Do you perhaps know why this isn’t working for me?

    Thank you for any help you can offer on these two issues.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support pear8398



    Thanks for using CusRev.

    yet I am still not being notified of reviews

    You can follow this solution to receive the email notification about new reviews submitted.
    Why I Do Not Receive Notifications About New Reviews

    they are not being held for moderation.

    The moderation of WordPress works properly with the CusRev enhanced user interface style (Reviews > Settings > Review Extensions).
    Please follow the solution Is It Possible to Moderate Reviews?

    Regarding the grid shortcode, I will inform the development team to support showing the review form when there is no review in the section.

    Plugin Support bagel1317


    We haven’t heard from you for more than two weeks. For this reason, I’ll assume that either you are not interested in this question/problem anymore or it has been resolved. If you still require any help, please start a new forum topic.

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