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  • Plugin Author Enrico Urbinati



    in order to open a javascript, try getting rid of esc_url() function on line 28 in inc/rvm_regions.php: this function escape javascript to evoid xss attacks.

    So $output .= '<td><p><input ' . RVM_REGION_LINK_CLASS . ' type="text" name="' . strval( $region[ 1 ] ) . '[]" value="' . esc_url( $regionsparams_array[ 'field_region_link' ] ) . '" ></p></td>';

    should become:

    $output .= '<td><p><input ' . RVM_REGION_LINK_CLASS . ' type="text" name="' . strval( $region[ 1 ] ) . '[]" value="' . $regionsparams_array[ 'field_region_link' ] . '" ></p></td>';

    This way you should be able to call javascript functions, but I’m not sure.

    Let me know if and how you solve it ??

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