• I have been using this plugin for a fair while on both shared and vps hosting.

    The website itself contains UK Postcodes Sold House Prices with the property blog attached to it.

    So the blog requires a fair bit of caching due to the traffic the blog gets from the address pages.

    I find that mod_rewrite is the best method used on shared hosting (VidahHost recommend this) but would this be the same for the VPS hosting?

    It is currentl set at PHP to serve cache files.

    Also, is there a way to use this plugin to Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content? I have a serious amount that are unavoidable!

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  • mod_rewrite recomended for hosting
    php for Opcache with dedicated server

    Yes it would the same for VPS hosting because as far I know WP Super Cache is page caching plugin. WP Super Cache will generate static html files then serve them to visitors.

    Page caching is good when your website is mostly read, where webserver will serve those static html files instead of calling PHP and MySQL.

    If your website is mostly read and write like forum, then you need more than page caching, you also need object caching. Object caching will cache “keys” from PHP and MySQL and store them into RAM for quicker access. One example of object caching is Redis.

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