• Are there any new plugins out for simple mobloging? Essentially what I want is the ability to take a snap shot, add a caption and upload it from my phone, searching the forum here has only given outdated responses, or responses tailored specifically to the Sprint PCS models.

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  • Same here!

    only i have a Nokia 6600 from T-mobile.

    resizing the image would also be a way-bonus feature.

    Cant you access the web with your phone? The Eclipse plugin supports photo uploading and resizing from the web interface.

    Im moblogging happily with my SonyEricsson P910i, adding entries using the publishing bookmarklet. Also i dont have to scale down the images since it takes such crappy photos in the first place.

    i’m using keitai mail. it is easily customizable.


    it was difficult to get working because of bugs in wordpress’ xmlrpc.php file. but i can’t blame that on keitai mail.

    the two bugs in xmlrpc.php are as follows:
    1. around line 1309, the print_r call is missing a “,1” second parameter. this causes the output to appear where the xmlrpc should be, causing keitai mail to believe the post has failed when it hasn’t.

    2. xmlrpc.php has trouble figuring out the time zone and correct UTC time offset. this causes posts to not appear for hours because they are timestamped in the future. so i commented out the timestamp voodoo that starts around line 1299 and replaced it with these two lines:
    $post_date = current_time("mysql");
    $post_date_gmt = current_time("mysql", 1);

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