• Scott Winterroth


    MobilePress is an awesome, powerful plugin for WordPress. Thanks for brining it to the table. Wanted to know if anyone had ideas for tracking mobile use in Google Analytics. I would like to see how many people are using my blog/site with mobile browsers. Because, with MobilePress, my mobile site doesn’t have a unique URL I’m trying to figure out how to add it to analytics. Is there a unique url for your mobile site somewhere that I’m not aware of?

    Additionally, I noticed that Google webmaster tools allows for mobile sitemaps, is this something that could be managed with MobilePress?

    Many thanks.

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  • I have the same question about Google Analytics.

    I would like to know if there’s anyway I can track my mobile users with Google Analytics or should I try to find out something else?

    I see that MobilePress is offering aduity as an option, but I think there is something wrong with this service, because I see just a welcome page on aduity.com, no links, no nothing!

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