@maximgloba – what kind of device are you testing with?
Which browser?
I notice that a samsung s4 mini phone with the “stock android browser” (not chrome) will work one way and an asus android tablet using firefox mobile browser may work another.
Of course if you have browser plugins that may make a difference as well.
From what I understand this theme uses javascript to detect and move things – so using a device that does not do javascript is likely to fail – and I’m not sure there is any “noscript” things in the code – as many modern devs simply shrug at supporting older devices.
Without any details on your exact device, and optional setups – it’d be impossible for anyone to tell you about the behavior you are experiencing.
If mobile is an important issue for your setup, I would consider looking into themes that are based on bootstrap and foundation – as those are pretty solid in the mobile area – not that this one is not good.. none are going to be perfect, and none will support every mobile device on the planet (aside from ones that just show text, and no “responsiveness”)
random thoughts from someone who knows a little – but not enough.. I do not cliam to really understand how this theme, or any php / java that is mixed with it actually work.