Thanks @kharis,
I added your code to the bottom of style.css and it didn’t work.. however changing
.navbar-brand > img {
max-height: 100%;
.navbar-brand > img {
height: auto;
max-with: 200px;
did work…
Will that code change have any impacts elsewhere in the theme? I notice that it has changed the logo on the desktop site slightly, but that’s ok as it’s only a tiny change and doesn’t really affect the look of the site.
Also I tried to add this to a child theme as themes/zerif-lite-child/ with the following code in style.css:
Theme Name: Zerif Lite Child
Theme URI:
Description: Zerif Lite Child Theme
Author: Dan Power
Author URI:
Template: zerif-lite
Version: 1.0.0
License: GNU GPL
License URI:
Text Domain: zerif-lite-child
.navbar-brand img{
max-width: 200px;
height: auto;
but as soon as I enabled it the theme went crazy, almost all customisation disappeared and the theme elements were all over the place… is it easy to add a child theme, have I done something wrong here?