• hi

    My issue is that when I start scrolling down on mobile phone, and when menu bar reach out the top of the mobile screen the page content all of sudden jumping a couple of centimeters down….

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  • Hello there,

    Please share your site URL here, so I can have a closer look.


    Thread Starter MooK


    Hi Kharis.

    I was testing it on here.

    Also I wanted to have menu bar stick on top of the screes while I am scrolling up and down.
    Very similar to the code provided for Sydney theme:

    jQuery(function($) {
      if ( matchMedia( 'only screen and (max-width: 1024px)' ).matches ) {
        var headerFix = $('.site-header').offset().top;
        var vDistance = headerFix+280;
        var inserated = false
        $(window).on('load scroll', function() {
          var y = $(this).scrollTop();
          if ( y >= vDistance) {
            if(inserated == false){
              var newHead = $('#masthead').clone();
                top: 0
              $('.masthead-clone .btn-menu').on('click', function() {
                  $('.masthead-clone #mainnav-mobi').slideToggle(300);
              $(document).on('click', '.masthead-clone #mainnav-mobi li .btn-submenu', function(e) {
              inserated = true;
          } else {
              top: -200
            inserated = false;


    Hello there,

    Please share a link where you got that code from.


    Thread Starter MooK


    Hi Kharis (@kharisblank).

    the code is from here (Sydney theme). If you will look at the scrolling on mobile device it’s so smooth. and I like how sticky menu bar appears on the top of the screen. It was jumping before and wasn’t as perfect as now, after you provided the code. I would like you, please, to make Ingis to work the same way.


    Thread Starter MooK


    Hi Kharis.
    Sorry for bothering you, but any updates?


    Hello there,

    Please try this JS code:

      if ( matchMedia( 'only screen and (max-width: 1023px)' ).matches ) {
        var $window = $(window);
        var dist = ($window.height()/2)-100;
        var prev = dist;
        var once = 'no';
        $window.on('scroll', function(){
          var createHeader = function() {
            var newHead = $('#masthead').clone();
              top: 0
            $('.masthead-clone .site-branding').remove();
            $('.masthead-clone .btn-menu, .btn-close-menu').on('click', function() {
                $('.masthead-clone #mainnav-mobi').slideToggle(300);
            $(document).on('click', '.masthead-clone #mainnav-mobi li .btn-submenu', function(e) {
          } // End of function
          var scrollTop = $window.scrollTop();
          var thisPx = dist;
          if( scrollTop > thisPx ) {
            if( once == 'no' ) {
              $('body').prepend('<div class="extra-header" style="position:fixed; width:100%; top:-300px; left:0; z-index:9999;"></div>');
                top: 0
              top: 0
          if( scrollTop > thisPx ) {
            once = 'yes';
          prev = scrollTop;
          if( prev < dist  ) {
              top: -300

    Then add this extra CSS code to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS from dashboard.

    .extra-header {
      display: none;
    .add-sticky-header .extra-header {
      display: block;

    If site cache applied, you should flush it. Otherwise, the code addition won’t take any effect.



    Thread Starter MooK


    Hi Kharis.

    Thank you very much. It works great. Except one little issue:
    When you scroll down then all the way up back to the initial header, the menu doesn’t open. Could you please take a look into it?


    Hello there,

    Please try adding this JS code and see if it helps.

      $(document).on('click', '#mainnav-mobi li .btn-submenu', function(e) {

    Please note that you’re required to flush cache (if enabled).


    Thread Starter MooK


    Hi Kharis.

    Thanks for providing the code.
    But it still doesn’t open every time when I scroll back to top of the page.

    Could you please look into it again.


    Hello there,

    Please try replacing all the code with this one:

      if ( matchMedia( 'only screen and (max-width: 1023px)' ).matches ) {
        var $window = $(window);
        var dist = ($window.height()/2)-100;
        var prev = dist;
        var once = 'no';
        $window.on('scroll', function(){
          var createHeader = function() {
            var newHead = $('#masthead').clone();
              top: 0
            $('.masthead-clone .site-branding').remove();
            $('.masthead-clone .btn-menu, .masthead-clone .btn-close-menu').on('click', function() {
                $('.masthead-clone #mainnav-mobi').slideToggle(300);
            $(document).on('click', '.masthead-clone #mainnav-mobi li .btn-submenu', function(e) {
          } // End of function
          var scrollTop = $window.scrollTop();
          var thisPx = dist;
          if( scrollTop > thisPx ) {
            if( once == 'no' ) {
              $('body').prepend('<div class="extra-header" style="position:fixed; width:100%; top:-300px; left:0; z-index:9999;"></div>');
                top: 0
              top: 0
          if( scrollTop > thisPx ) {
            once = 'yes';
          prev = scrollTop;
          if( prev < dist  ) {
              top: -300
      $('.btn-menu, .btn-close-menu').on('click', function() {
          $('.masthead-clone #mainnav-mobi').slideToggle(300);
      $(document).on('click', '#mainnav-mobi li .btn-submenu', function(e) {

    Let me know how it goes.


    Thread Starter MooK


    Hi Kharis.

    Thanks. But it still not responding when I scroll back to top …

    Thread Starter MooK


    Hi Kharis

    I try on different mobile devices, it doesn’t work.
    A other suggestions?


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