• Hi all,

    It’s not elegant nor is it pretty however here is something for you to play with if you are looking for a slightly neater solution to displaying stageshow on mobile devices, iPads etc.

    Please note that all the .page-id-204’s need changed to .page-id-# (# being the wordpress page ID that your [sshow-boxoffice] shortcode is on – You will find this in the URL when you are editing a page). If you do not specify the page ID within CSS it will try and block table your seating plan too, and thats NOT pretty!

    I hope the below helps some people out. Just pop it in your CSS with the changes above.

    If you wish to see the below in action feel free to visit shineboxoffice.co.uk/box-office on a mobile or PC and resize your browser window.

    Max width before this PARTICULAR table gets nasty
    This will take effect for any screen smaller than 760px
    and also iPads specifically.
    only screen and (max-width: 760px),
    (min-device-width: 768px) and (max-device-width: 1024px)  {
    	/* Force table to not be like tables anymore */
    	#stageshow-selector-table table,
    	#stageshow-selector-table thead,
    	#stageshow-selector-table tbody,
    	#stageshow-selector-table th,
    	#stageshow-selector-table td,
    	#stageshow-selector-table tr { 
    		display: block; 
    	/* Nudge this button over slightly */
    	.stageshow-selector-perfbutton {
    	/* BLOCK all other td's */
    	.stageshow-boxoffice-table td {
    		display: block;
    	.stageshow-trolley-table table,
    	.stageshow-trolley-table thead,
    	.stageshow-trolley-table tbody,
    	.stageshow-trolley-table th,
    	.stageshow-trolley-table td,
    	.stageshow-trolley-table tr {
    	/* Hide table headers (but not display: none;, for accessibility) */
    	.page-id-204 thead tr { 
    		position: absolute;
    		top: -9999px;
    		left: -9999px;
    .stageshow-trolley-notetoseller td {
    	display: none;
    .page-id-204 .stageshow-trolley-titles
    .page-id-204 .stageshow-boxoffice-header
    .page-id-204 .stageshow-boxoffice-datetime
    .page-id-204 .stageshow-boxoffice-type
    .page-id-204 .stageshow-trolley-donationrow-text
    .page-id-204 .stageshow-trolley-donation:before
    {content: "Donation: ";
    	.page-id-204 tr { border: 1px solid #ccc; }
    	.page-id-204 td { 
    		/* Behave  like a "row" */
    		border: none;
    		border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; 
    		position: relative;
    		padding-left: 50%; 
    	.page-id-204 td:before { 
    		/* Now like a table header */
    		position: absolute;
    		/* Top/left values mimic padding */
    		top: 6px;
    		left: 6px;
    		width: 45%; 
    		padding-right: 10px; 
    		white-space: nowrap;
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  • Hi,

    Really like what you have done with your site.

    I’m especially interested in the cast member and sale details section of the checkout. How have you achieved this, with the addition of a join mailing list option etc? Does that feed through automatically to join your mailing list, or is this a manual action after the sale?

    Thread Starter Chris


    Hi Chippie,

    First off, thanks!

    It’s created using the define parameters in the stageshow-wp-config.php file in uploads and some JS functions to pass back to the trolly on checkout. The join mailing list is, at present manual, but may look at passing parameters back to some php if I get a chance.

    I’d paste all the snippets of the code here but its quite lengthy. If you wish to discuss further drop me an email. [email protected]


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