Mobile resize image!
thanks for this wonderful theme ??I came across the following problem: when change the browser resolution, on tablet or mobile for example, the section-banner section-about ecc background not resize.
Sorry for my bad english and thanks in advance.
Can you link a Webpage with the issue?
i try this theme in local with mamp! if I do not solve this problem I can not put it online ??
Sorry for my bad english and thanks in advance.
Could you find a page on the theme’s demo site that has the issue? can try to modify this section but without results
/* * 4.3 home section banner */
.section-banner { THIS SECTION
}the problem is the image resize when change the browser resolution, if i see under iphone i see a little portion of the image and not the resize complete image.
Sorry for my bad english and thanks in advance.
In the demo page
there are a video on the .section-banner and a repeat image on the other section.
If I load a image on the section 1 (.section-banner) the image remain fixed at all resolution!Sorry for my bad english and thanks in advance.
When you’ve set the image, is it being set as background image?
Onetone options > home page > section 1 > Section Background
Are you using a tool like Firebug?
I use safari
That should be fine, with the Safari Web Inspector tool could you find whether your slider image is being generated as an
element or being applied as a background image?I found this on the one tone.js
///// contact form function IsEmail(email) { var regex = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-\+])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/; if (!regex.test(email)) { return false; } else { return true; } } jQuery(".contact-form input,.contact-form textarea").focus(function() { jQuery(this).attr("placeholder", "") ; }); jQuery(".contact-form input#name").blur(function() { if ( jQuery(this).attr("placeholder") == "") { jQuery(this).attr("placeholder", "Name") ; } }); jQuery(".contact-form input#email").blur(function() { if ( jQuery(this).attr("placeholder") == "") { jQuery(this).attr("placeholder", "Email") ; } }); jQuery(".contact-form textarea#message").blur(function() { if ( jQuery(this).attr("placeholder") == "") { jQuery(this).attr("placeholder", "Message") ; } }); jQuery(" #submit").click(function() { var obj = jQuery(this).parents(".contact-form"); var Name = obj.find("input#name").val(); var Email = obj.find("input#email").val(); var Message = obj.find("textarea#message").val(); var sendto = obj.find("input#sendto").val(); Name = Name.replace('Name', ''); Email = Email.replace('Email', ''); Message = Message.replace('Message', ''); obj.find(".noticefailed").text(""); if ( !IsEmail( Email ) ) { obj.find(".noticefailed").text("Please enter valid email."); return false; } if (Name === "") { obj.find(".noticefailed").text("Please enter your name."); return false; } if (Message === "") { obj.find(".noticefailed").text("Message is required."); return false; } obj.find(".noticefailed").html(""); obj.find(".noticefailed").append("<img alt='loading' class='loading' src='" + themeurl + "/images/loading.gif' />"); jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: ajaxurl, data: "Name=" + Name + "&Email=" + Email + "&Message=" + Message + "&sendto=" + sendto + "&action=onetone_contact", success: function(data) { if (data.error == 0) { obj.find(".noticefailed").addClass("noticesuccess").removeClass("noticefailed"); obj.find(".noticesuccess").html(data.msg); } else { obj.find(".noticefailed").html(data.msg); } jQuery('.loading').remove(); obj[0].reset(); }, error: function() { obj.find(".noticefailed").html("Error."); obj.find('.loading').remove(); } }); }); //top menu jQuery('.top-nav ul li').hover(function() { jQuery(this).find('ul:first').slideDown(100); jQuery(this).addClass("hover"); }, function() { jQuery(this).find('ul').css('display', 'none'); jQuery(this).removeClass("hover"); }); jQuery('.top-nav li ul li:has(ul)').find("a:first").append(" <span class='menu_more'>?</span> "); jQuery(".top-nav > ul > li,.main-nav > li").click(function() { jQuery(".top-nav > ul > li,.main-nav > li").removeClass("active"); jQuery(this).addClass("active"); }); // //// var windowWidth = jQuery(window).width(); if (windowWidth > 939) { if (jQuery(".site-main .sidebar").height() > jQuery(".site-main .main-content").height()) { jQuery(".site-main .main-content").css("height", (jQuery(".site-main .sidebar").height() + 140) + "px"); } } else { jQuery(".site-main .main-content").css("height", "auto"); } jQuery(window).resize(function() { var windowWidth = jQuery(window).width(); if (windowWidth > 939) { if (jQuery(".site-main .sidebar").height() > jQuery(".site-main .main-content").height()) { jQuery(".site-main .main-content").css("height", (jQuery(".site-main .sidebar").height() + 140) + "px"); } } else { jQuery(".site-main .main-content").css("height", "auto"); } }); /*! /* Mobile Menu */ (function($) { var current = $('.top-nav li.current-menu-item a').html(); if ( $('span').hasClass('custom-mobile-menu-title') ) { current = $('span.custom-mobile-menu-title').html(); } else if ( typeof current == 'undefined' || current === null ) { if ( $('body').hasClass('home') ) { if ( $('.onetone-logo span').hasClass('site-name') ) { current = $('.onetone-logo .site-name').html(); } else { current = $('.onetone-logo img').attr('alt'); } } else { if ( $('body').hasClass('woocommerce') ) { current = $('').html(); } else if ( $('body').hasClass('archive') ) { current = $('h6.title-archive').html(); } else if ( $('body').hasClass('search-results') ) { current = $('h6.title-search-results').html(); } else if ( $('body').hasClass('page-template-blog-excerpt-php') ) { current = $('.current_page_item').text(); } else if ( $('body').hasClass('page-template-blog-php') ) { current = $('.current_page_item').text(); } else { current = $('').html(); } } }; if (typeof current == 'undefined' || current === null) { current = "GO TO"; } $('.top-nav').append('<a></a>'); $('.top-nav').prepend('<div id="responsive_current_menu_item">' + current + '</div>'); $('a#responsive_menu_button, #responsive_current_menu_item,.navbar').click(function() { $('body .top-nav ul').slideToggle( function() { if ( $(this).is(':visible') ) { $('a#responsive_menu_button').addClass('responsive-toggle-open'); } else { $('a#responsive_menu_button').removeClass('responsive-toggle-open'); $('body .top-nav ul').removeAttr('style'); } }); }); })(jQuery); jQuery(document).ready(function() { if (typeof onetone_bigvideo !== 'undefined' && onetone_bigvideo != null) { for (var i = 0; i < onetone_bigvideo.length; i++) { jQuery(onetone_bigvideo[i].video_section_item).tubular(onetone_bigvideo[i].options); } } jQuery(".home-wrapper .section").each(function() { if (jQuery(this).find("#tubular-container").length > 0) { jQuery(this).css({ "height": (jQuery(window).height() - jQuery("header").height()) + "px" }); jQuery(this).find("#tubular-container,#tubular-player").css({ "height": (jQuery(window).height() - jQuery("header").height()) + "px" }); } }); });
You’ll be looking in your HTML for this, for example the Demo website is using an
for its video: i change this!??
<section class="section section-banner onetone-home " style="background:url(https://localhost:8888/onetone/wp-content/themes/onetone/images/home-bg01.jpg) repeat top left scroll;"> <div class="home-container page_container"> <div class="banner-box"> <h1>TARAY BOGRILOYAT srians</h1> <span>CRAS URNA LEO, FRINGILLA NEC ALIQUAM AC, VARIUS IN ENIM. MAECENAS NON FELIS AUGUE, QUIS SAGITTIS JUSTO. DONEC GRAVIDA, ARCU IN ALIQUET CONVALLIS</span> <div class="banner-scroll"><a href="#about-us"><img src="https://localhost:8888/fcblog/wp-content/themes/onetone/images/down.png" alt=""></a></div>
Yeah you can change it in CSS, so it’s being applied through a background image here:
<section class="section section-banner onetone-home " style="background:url(https://localhost:8888/onetone/wp-content/themes/onetone/images/home-bg01.jpg) repeat top left scroll;">
So, does your theme have a section of the dashboard for CSS modifications? A section named something like “Custom CSS”?
Hang on, am I right in thinking that’s the right element?
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