Mobile – Paging Controls
Hi Tobias,
I have a table with 300+ rows, displayed 25 rows at a time.
Page Controls Location
On wide form factors, the page controls (prev / next) appear on the same line as the record counter (“Showing 26 to 50 of 310 entries”) and is aligned right (relative to the table).On mobile (tablet) devices, because “Showing 26 to 50 of 310 entries” uses so much horizontal real estate, the paging controls get bumped to the next line. Are any of the following possible:
1. Configure (or modify php) to only show “26 to 50 of 310” – this would leave enough room for the paging controls to appear on the same line as the record counter.
2. Modify the paging controls so that they are intuitive icons (I think the current icons / text combination looks a little dated – a simple set of icons might be sufficient).
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