• Hi again,
    I’ve launched my site and I am very happy with it – thank you for the wonderful theme. I was notified that I have some errors with the mobile version however.

    The main one is that the mobile menu is not displaying. It appears to load and then is hidden. I think that it might be overlapped by the background and body copy. Any ideas what to do about it?

    The second is a minor issue – there is no padding on the text in the mobile version meaning that the first letter of the page title is missing. Does anyone know the CSS declaration for this? I can probably add the padding myself.

    Thanks as always, you beautiful people!

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  • Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Let’s see your site

    Thread Starter arsenaljairs


    My apologies – sorry Andrew.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Has the header.php file been modified?
    Spun has this:

    <nav role="navigation" class="site-navigation main-small-navigation">
    			<h1 class="menu-toggle">Menu</h1>

    You have this:

    <nav role="navigation" class="site-navigation main-small-navigation">
    			<div class="menu-menu-1-container">

    Thread Starter arsenaljairs


    I don’t believe I did, but I’ll try swapping it out.

    Thread Starter arsenaljairs


    Odd – I didn’t have the “Main-small-navigation” class at all in there!

    I changed it out and that has solved that problem.
    Thank you once again Andrew!

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Is there an issue now that your desktop menu doesn’t seem to be working?

    Thread Starter arsenaljairs


    Well spotted – yes, it’s appearing as a mobile menu and worse, it doesn’t display the headers.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Can you try switching to the Spun theme to explore whether the issue is specific to your Child Theme; or related to a plugin?

    Thread Starter arsenaljairs


    OK – swapped it over. The menus are appearing in both desktop and mobile versions. Also, the menus are now appearing in order on the mobile version, which they weren’t before.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    It may then be best to comment out your Child Theme CSS until you find whether any is responsible.

    Thread Starter arsenaljairs


    Sorry – not sure what you mean by that

    Thread Starter arsenaljairs


    Ok – I got what you mean. Thanks for your assistance Andrew!

    Thread Starter arsenaljairs


    OK, I got the menu back and it is working perfectly on mobile, but on desktop, I can still see the mobile small menu.

    What I did was remove reference to the small menu in this script:

    <nav role="navigation" class="site-navigation main-navigation">
    			<h1 class="menu-toggle">Menu</h1><?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary' ) ); ?>

    But now obviously I have “Menu” displaying. Any ideas on how to resolve this? Sorry – I know I’m being a massive pain in the ‘a’!

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