Hey @jakwalker,
Sorry you’re experiencing issues. What’s likely happening is your mobile menu requires some scripts to remain in the head section, but this plugin moves them all to the footer. There are ways to get around this, though, depending on your site’s scripts…
Most of the time issues like this are resolved by selecting the “Keep jQuery in the header” option in the settings (Settings > Scripts to Footer), which does what it sounds like – keeps the jquery.js library in the head section and moves all other scripts to the footer.
If that doesn’t work, it’s likely a theme/plugin-specific script that you’ll have to find and exclude from the plugin’s process using a filter, see this documentation for more info.
You can also selectively disable the plugin if it’s an issue only on a few pages, either via the custom field checkbox that appears on page/post editor or globally via the settings (Settings > Scripts to Footer).
Hope that helps, let me know if you have any other questions/issues.