Do you know if it shows as expected on the Site Editor? For instance, if you go to Appearance > Editor > Patterns > Header, do you see it showing as expected?
If so, it is possible that it is conflicting with a custom code (such as a specific plugin or even some small CSS).
I hope it’s okay to jump in on this thread, because I’m having the same issue, except with white text on white background. I am using a child theme, but the only custom CSS I’ve added is for an Events Calendar plugin page template.
In Appearance > Editor > Patterns > Header, it shows (correctly) as black text on white background in the mobile menu:
But when I open the mobile menu on the website (whether logged in or not), it shows up as white text on white background. Here’s a screenshot from my Chrome browser with the inspector open showing the open mobile menu and the CSS that is applied by the theme:
In the next screenshot, I’ve clicked on the little arrows for background-color and color so that you can see that these are the colors your theme has applied to this view:
I could override this with custom CSS, but I would prefer to use the editor as it was designed to be used and adjust settings there instead.
This is controlled by ‘submenu and overlay’ background and text color settings under the navigation block. The screenshot below shows how to find these options
@properlypurple – you are a lifesaver! This did the trick, thank you so much! I was ripping my hair trying to fix this on my site.
Wonder if there’s detailed documentation that lists where all the controls for theme customisation are for Twenty Twenty Four?
I might be wrong, but it seems like I can tweak some elements like colours right where I see them in the editor, while others pull from Styles – and I can’t be sure which is which.