Mobile Friendly Drop Down for Contact Form 7
Hello, on my first post I would like to thank everybody that contribute to this awesome forum!!
Note: MY code may be painful for the eyes ?? I know there are probably waaaay better and easier way of doing what I did lol. So I hope someone can help me fix the issues I am having in any way possible.
Using : “contact form 7 v4.5.1”
Website :
Purpose of page: Online Job ApplicationProblem 1: Drop down menus and labels for the weekly “AVAILABILITY” is not mobile friendly, I couldn’t find a way to lock down Monday with the 2 fields below it.. they all just float everywhere when it is in mobile mode.
Problem 2: I have not been able to line up the text and check-boxes as I would like, and its even worse in internet explorer.
Here goes the code:
<div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12" ; style="font-size: 18pt" > <B>1. Personal Information</B></div></br> <div class="col-sm-6">[text* First-name placeholder "First Name*"]</div> <div class="col-sm-6">[text* Last-name placeholder "Last Name*"]</div> <div class="col-sm-12">[text* Street-Address placeholder "Street Address*"]</div> <div class="col-sm-6">[text* City placeholder "City*"]</div> <div class="col-sm-6">[select* Province first_as_label "Select Province*" "Alberta" "British Columbia" "Manitoba" "New Brunswick" "Newfoundland and Labrador" "Northwest Territories" "Nova Scotia" "Nunavut" "Ontario" "Prince Edward Island" "Quebec" "Saskatchewan" "Yukon"]</div> <div class="col-sm-6">[text* postal-code placeholder "Postal Code*"]</div> <div class="col-sm-6">[tel* your-tel your-number placeholder "Your Phone Number*"]</div> <div class="col-sm-12">[email* your-email placeholder "Your Email*"]</div> <div class="col-sm-6">[select* int_student first_as_label "Are you an International Student?*" "Yes" "No ]</div> <div class="col-sm-6">[select work_permit first_as_label "If Yes, Do you have a work Permit?" "Yes" "No ]</div> <div class="col-sm-6">[select* education first_as_label "Please select highest level of education completed?*" "Currently in High School" "High School" "Certificate Program" "College/University" "Masters Degree" "Other" ]</div> <div class="col-sm-6">[select* full_part_time first_as_label "Type of employment?*" "Part-Time" "Full-Time" "Seasonal" ]</div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12" ; style="font-size: 18pt" > </br> <B>2. Availability </B></div> <div class="col-sm-12" ; style="font-size: 16" > (If not available, please pick "Not Available") </br></br> </div> <div class="container_apply"> <div>Monday</div><div>Tuesday</div><div>Wednesday</div><div>Thursday</div><div>Friday</div><div>Saturday</div><div>Sunday</div> </div> <div class="container_apply"> <div> [select* mon-from first_as_label "FROM*" "Not Available" "1:00 AM" "2:00 AM" "3:00 AM" "4:00 AM" "5:00 AM" "6:00 AM" "7:00 AM" "8:00 AM" "9:00 AM" "10:00 AM" "11:00 AM" "12:00 PM" "1:00 PM" "2:00 PM" "3:00 PM" "4:00 PM" "5:00 PM" "6:00 PM" "7:00 PM" "8:00 PM" "9:00 PM" "10:00 PM" "11:00 PM" "12:00 AM"] </div> <div> [select* tue-from first_as_label "FROM*" "Not Available" "1:00 AM" "2:00 AM" "3:00 AM" "4:00 AM" "5:00 AM" "6:00 AM" "7:00 AM" "8:00 AM" "9:00 AM" "10:00 AM" "11:00 AM" "12:00 PM" "1:00 PM" "2:00 PM" "3:00 PM" "4:00 PM" "5:00 PM" "6:00 PM" "7:00 PM" "8:00 PM" "9:00 PM" "10:00 PM" "11:00 PM" "12:00 AM"] </div> <div> [select* wed-from first_as_label "FROM*" "Not Available" "1:00 AM" "2:00 AM" "3:00 AM" "4:00 AM" "5:00 AM" "6:00 AM" "7:00 AM" "8:00 AM" "9:00 AM" "10:00 AM" "11:00 AM" "12:00 PM" "1:00 PM" "2:00 PM" "3:00 PM" "4:00 PM" "5:00 PM" "6:00 PM" "7:00 PM" "8:00 PM" "9:00 PM" "10:00 PM" "11:00 PM" "12:00 AM"] </div> <div> [select* thu-from first_as_label "FROM*" "Not Available" "1:00 AM" "2:00 AM" "3:00 AM" "4:00 AM" "5:00 AM" "6:00 AM" "7:00 AM" "8:00 AM" "9:00 AM" "10:00 AM" "11:00 AM" "12:00 PM" "1:00 PM" "2:00 PM" "3:00 PM" "4:00 PM" "5:00 PM" "6:00 PM" "7:00 PM" "8:00 PM" "9:00 PM" "10:00 PM" "11:00 PM" "12:00 AM"] </div> <div> [select* fri-from first_as_label "FROM*" "Not Available" "1:00 AM" "2:00 AM" "3:00 AM" "4:00 AM" "5:00 AM" "6:00 AM" "7:00 AM" "8:00 AM" "9:00 AM" "10:00 AM" "11:00 AM" "12:00 PM" "1:00 PM" "2:00 PM" "3:00 PM" "4:00 PM" "5:00 PM" "6:00 PM" "7:00 PM" "8:00 PM" "9:00 PM" "10:00 PM" "11:00 PM" "12:00 AM"] </div> <div> [select* sat-from first_as_label "FROM*" "Not Available" "1:00 AM" "2:00 AM" "3:00 AM" "4:00 AM" "5:00 AM" "6:00 AM" "7:00 AM" "8:00 AM" "9:00 AM" "10:00 AM" "11:00 AM" "12:00 PM" "1:00 PM" "2:00 PM" "3:00 PM" "4:00 PM" "5:00 PM" "6:00 PM" "7:00 PM" "8:00 PM" "9:00 PM" "10:00 PM" "11:00 PM" "12:00 AM"] </div> <div> [select* sun-from first_as_label "FROM*" "Not Available" "1:00 AM" "2:00 AM" "3:00 AM" "4:00 AM" "5:00 AM" "6:00 AM" "7:00 AM" "8:00 AM" "9:00 AM" "10:00 AM" "11:00 AM" "12:00 PM" "1:00 PM" "2:00 PM" "3:00 PM" "4:00 PM" "5:00 PM" "6:00 PM" "7:00 PM" "8:00 PM" "9:00 PM" "10:00 PM" "11:00 PM" "12:00 AM"] </div> <div> [select* mon-to first_as_label "TO*" "Not Available" "1:00 AM" "2:00 AM" "3:00 AM" "4:00 AM" "5:00 AM" "6:00 AM" "7:00 AM" "8:00 AM" "9:00 AM" "10:00 AM" "11:00 AM" "12:00 PM" "1:00 PM" "2:00 PM" "3:00 PM" "4:00 PM" "5:00 PM" "6:00 PM" "7:00 PM" "8:00 PM" "9:00 PM" "10:00 PM" "11:00 PM" "12:00 AM"] </div> <div> [select* tue-to first_as_label "TO*" "Not Available" "1:00 AM" "2:00 AM" "3:00 AM" "4:00 AM" "5:00 AM" "6:00 AM" "7:00 AM" "8:00 AM" "9:00 AM" "10:00 AM" "11:00 AM" "12:00 PM" "1:00 PM" "2:00 PM" "3:00 PM" "4:00 PM" "5:00 PM" "6:00 PM" "7:00 PM" "8:00 PM" "9:00 PM" "10:00 PM" "11:00 PM" "12:00 AM"] </div> <div> [select* wed-to first_as_label "TO*" "Not Available" "1:00 AM" "2:00 AM" "3:00 AM" "4:00 AM" "5:00 AM" "6:00 AM" "7:00 AM" "8:00 AM" "9:00 AM" "10:00 AM" "11:00 AM" "12:00 PM" "1:00 PM" "2:00 PM" "3:00 PM" "4:00 PM" "5:00 PM" "6:00 PM" "7:00 PM" "8:00 PM" "9:00 PM" "10:00 PM" "11:00 PM" "12:00 AM"] </div> <div> [select* thu-to first_as_label "TO*" "Not Available" "1:00 AM" "2:00 AM" "3:00 AM" "4:00 AM" "5:00 AM" "6:00 AM" "7:00 AM" "8:00 AM" "9:00 AM" "10:00 AM" "11:00 AM" "12:00 PM" "1:00 PM" "2:00 PM" "3:00 PM" "4:00 PM" "5:00 PM" "6:00 PM" "7:00 PM" "8:00 PM" "9:00 PM" "10:00 PM" "11:00 PM" "12:00 AM"] </div> <div> [select* fri-to first_as_label "TO*" "Not Available" "1:00 AM" "2:00 AM" "3:00 AM" "4:00 AM" "5:00 AM" "6:00 AM" "7:00 AM" "8:00 AM" "9:00 AM" "10:00 AM" "11:00 AM" "12:00 PM" "1:00 PM" "2:00 PM" "3:00 PM" "4:00 PM" "5:00 PM" "6:00 PM" "7:00 PM" "8:00 PM" "9:00 PM" "10:00 PM" "11:00 PM" "12:00 AM"] </div> <div> [select* sat-to first_as_label "TO*" "Not Available" "1:00 AM" "2:00 AM" "3:00 AM" "4:00 AM" "5:00 AM" "6:00 AM" "7:00 AM" "8:00 AM" "9:00 AM" "10:00 AM" "11:00 AM" "12:00 PM" "1:00 PM" "2:00 PM" "3:00 PM" "4:00 PM" "5:00 PM" "6:00 PM" "7:00 PM" "8:00 PM" "9:00 PM" "10:00 PM" "11:00 PM" "12:00 AM"] </div> <div> [select* sun-to first_as_label "TO*" "Not Available" "1:00 AM" "2:00 AM" "3:00 AM" "4:00 AM" "5:00 AM" "6:00 AM" "7:00 AM" "8:00 AM" "9:00 AM" "10:00 AM" "11:00 AM" "12:00 PM" "1:00 PM" "2:00 PM" "3:00 PM" "4:00 PM" "5:00 PM" "6:00 PM" "7:00 PM" "8:00 PM" "9:00 PM" "10:00 PM" "11:00 PM" "12:00 AM"] </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6">[text* hrs_work placeholder "Preferred number of hours per WEEK *"]</div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <div class="col-sm-12">[checkbox* position default:1_2_3_4 "Sandwich Assembler" "Line Cook" "Cashier" "Dishwasher"]</div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-3" ; style="font-size: 18pt" > </br></br><B>3. Employment History </B></div> <div class="col-sm-9"> </br></br>[file file-871 limit:2mb] </div> <div class="col-sm-12" ; style="font-size: 16" > You may apply by attaching a resume OR filling the below fields. You may also apply without any work experience, if so please proceed to next step. </br></br> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" > <B> Most Recent / Current Company</B> </div> <div class="col-sm-10">[text employer1_name placeholder "Company Name"]</div> <div class="col-sm-6">[date employer1_start date-format:mm/dd/yy change-month change-year placeholder "Start Date"]</div> <div class="col-sm-6">[date employer1_end date-format:mm/dd/yy change-month change-year placeholder "End Date"]</div> <div class="col-sm-6">[text employer1_position placeholder "Position & Duties"]</div> <div class="col-sm-6">[text employer1_reason placeholder "Reason for Leaving"]</div> <div class="col-sm-2" > <B> <Center> Previous Company </CENTER></B> </div> <div class="col-sm-10">[text employer2_name placeholder "Company Name"]</div> <div class="col-sm-6">[date employer2_start date-format:mm/dd/yy change-month change-year placeholder "Start Date"]</div> <div class="col-sm-6">[date employer2_end date-format:mm/dd/yy change-month change-year placeholder "End Date"]</div> <div class="col-sm-6">[text employer2_position placeholder "Position & Duties"]</div> <div class="col-sm-6">[text employer2_reason placeholder "Reason for Leaving"]</div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-8 ; vertical-center">[select* contact_method first_as_label "Please Select Preferred Method of Contact*" "eMail" "Phone Call" "Text" "Any"]</div> <div class="col-sm-3 ">[recaptcha]</div> </div> <p>[submit "APPLY"]</p>
Here is the css related to Problem 2, the checkboxes
span.wpcf7-list-item { display: inline; margin-left: 10px; } span.wpcf7-list-item * { display: table-cell; vertical-align:middle; height: 20px; line-height: 20px; white-space: nowrap; } span.wpcf7-list-item-label { vertical-align:text-top; } span.wpcf7-form-control-wrap { }
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