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  • Plugin Contributor Chris Dillon


    Hi John,

    Thanks for letting me know. All I did was add the CSS I gave you to the widget stylesheet so maybe it wasn’t a universal fix after all. I will work on it.

    Thread Starter John Graffio


    Hi Chris,

    Thanks; I just wanted to add that I tried removing and adding back that CSS you sent me, and it had no effect whether it was in there or not (at least on my site).

    Plugin Contributor Chris Dillon


    Do you have a test site that you can try a default theme like TwentyFifteen? My demo site using the Spacious theme handles the orientation change ( I have not looked deeply at Suffusion theme yet.

    Thread Starter John Graffio



    I’m still getting text that does not re-flow when switching orientations. I did the following for my android phone:

    1. Cleared the cache
    2. rebooted the phone
    3. cleared the cache again
    4. got rid of any CSS mods from before
    5. repeated steps 1-3 again
    6. Text is still not reflowing

    All my work is based on Suffusion; if it will help, I can give you credentials to my test site to roam around and see what you can see. After all it might be my fault; it’s just strange that it worked before and some unknown factor came into play. Let me know I can email you the credentials if it will help.

    Plugin Contributor Chris Dillon



    I don’t think the plugin is at fault and let me show you why.

    Here’s a quick screencast Suffusion theme on the left, Spacious theme on the right.

    In Suffusion, as the screen size increases, the content on the page flows. That flow property is what handles screen orientation change. As the screen size decreases, the content width does not adjust.

    In Spacious, as the screen size increases, the text in the widget adjusts. When reaching a reasonable tablet landscape width, the sidebar goes right and the content goes left, all flow working.

    I suggest you contact the theme author for support.

    Thread Starter John Graffio



    Thanks for looking into it…

    I agree, there must be something else at play besides your plugin. I’ll have to dig around and find out what it is.

    Suffusion hasn’t been changed in three years; everyone who uses it knows they’ve adopted an orphan. It’s time for me to get under the hood and figure out how the engine runs ??

    Thread Starter John Graffio



    I’ve done some more investigation. The video you showed me indeed shows resizing, but only of static testimonials. I get the same result when I program the widget to show static testimonials.

    But…when you put them into cycle mode, you can resize the first one and the text flows, but when the next one comes up, it sizes itself to the initial set of display dimensions. So if you were wide and then went narrow, text is cut off (title and excerpt text). If you were narrow and went wide, there is significant white space left over (title and excerpt text).

    It must have something to do with the slider logic. Once the slider starts, it only works in the dimensions of its container according to the size of the page when it first loaded. After that, it does not respond to resizing events.

    FYI: I’m way more versed in Winforms .NET stuff, PHP and web tech is still new to me, so I’m describing things in terms belonging to another set of tools.

    Thread Starter John Graffio



    One more thing, when you specify cycle mode in the widget, if you specify only a certain number to be shown, it still cycles through all of them as though you had clicked on the “All” checkbox.

    Thread Starter John Graffio



    I did a further experiment:

    • Removed plugin
    • Removed all testimonials from database
    • Cleaned out any files left over for the plugin
    • Re-installed plugin
    • Re-entered all testimonials
    • Put slider back on page

    The spacing problem still occurs ONLY when there is an active slider, not on static content.

    For the time being, I’m using a separate posts slider that can recognize custom posts types and it displays the testimonials in a loop and can resize. This is temporary as I prefer the way you format your widget.

    At least for now there is no urgency, and if anything ever pops up that solves this problem, I’ll put the Strong widget back in place.

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