I tried looking for a way to test this via https://www.browserstack.com/ and it does have an option to test a Samsung Galaxy S3 with Android, but it does not say what version of Android is being simulated. Also, it may not be the best test because I can’t really pinch to resize, and I’m assuming that pinching to resize is what you were doing—could you confirm that?
Here is a screenshot from my test for reference: https://cloudup.com/c706_4d57yH
If it appears normally in other phones and on more up-to-date versions of Android, then it’s possible it won’t get attention because it only happens for a limited set of circumstances (KitKat) and only if you pinch to resize. But we can always report it as an issue if we can nail down some exact steps to reproduce.
It helps to have a very detailed set of steps and requirements, including your site URL.
To help test, I also tried https://singldemo.wordpress.com/ on my iPhone 5 using Safari on iOS 7.1.2 by pinching to try to resize just to see if I could find any problems on iOS and everything worked normally for me in that test.