Thanks for the report. I wasn’t able to replicate this problem on my test site.
Here are the steps I followed:
1) Activated Hexa
2) Downloaded the French (France) .mo file for Hexa from GlotPress:
3) Rename the file and add it to hexa/languages
4) Activate Hexa
5) Select Fran?ais under Settings > General
When I view the front end of the site I see the French “reply” text as expected. For example:
Blog index:
Single post:
I did not have to make any modifications in template-tags.php.
Could you list the exact steps you took to try to have the site display a translation?
Could you upload a screenshot of where it’s not being displayed in your language?
Here’s a guide on how to make a screenshot:
You can upload the screenshot – in a graphic format like JPG, PNG, or PDF – in your Media Library, and provide a link so I can see it, or upload it with a service like Imgur or Snaggy.
Could you provide a link to your site? What version of Hexa are you using?