• L.S

    When trying to save any new added content I get message “Missing title”, then the title i chosen has gone and I cannot save my content. I cannot add new content anymore

    Please help


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter veenm


    My debug.log looks quite normal, cannot find anything

    ### wp-core ###
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    Plugin Author icc0rz


    This seems to work on a fresh site, so I suspect that one of your other plugins might be interfering with the H5P Editor.
    I would recommend trying to disable some, if not all of the other plugins, temporarily, just to see which one is causing trouble.
    Also, make sure your browser is up-to-date and has been restarted if it auto-updates.

    Thread Starter veenm


    I found all working great with Firefox but Chrome does not like it ?? I got Chrome 94.0.4606.54 (64-bits)

    Could not find any plugin interfering

    Plugin Author icc0rz


    Could you try in Incognito mode in Chrome? In some rare cases, there may be a Chrome extension manipulating the page.

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