• Resolved philchillsofade


    I am experiencing a problem with missing thumbnail images. After not having done updates to my wordpress site for a while (I don’t remember my exact version number), I updated to wordpress 4 and also updated all my plugins, including WPPA+. I reinialized my cache plugin and also reinitated WPPA+. I have many albums on my site and for most albums the update was flawless. However, some of my albums appear to have problems to link to/find the pictures and report: “Missing thumbnail image”. I regenerated the thumbnails, but it did not change. I am currently running “lost and found” (which seems a bit tedious as it stops every few minutes). In this regard, I am wondering what the number next to pending in “lost and found” means. It reports something like 90,000 for me, which is hardly the number of pictures. I appreciate your help.

    Thanks a lot


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  • Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    It reports something like 90,000 for

    This is based on photo id’s, not on counts, so not always very correct.

    Imortant: If it is a multi site, read the section:
    IMPORTANT info for MULTISITE installations
    on https://wppa.opajaap.nl/changelog/

    Check the box in Table IV-A18

    If still no succes: supply me a link to a page that shows the problem

    Thread Starter philchillsofade


    Thanks a lot for your message. In the meantime, I finished running lost & found which took ~2days and then regenerated the thumbnails again. I also checked IV-A18. Unfortunately, I still do not see the images. This is a link to my albums:


    I am not running a multisite installation and added “define( ‘WPPA_MULTISITE_GLOBAL’, true );” to my wp-config.php.

    I appreciate your help.

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    There is a strange thing going on, you have photos with id’s in the range of the max integer.

    The only way to recover from this is as follows ( in this order! ):

    – Delete all the photos that have very long ids like: 20130601153356

    – Install and activate plugin Tweak Option

    – Open Tweak option in the wp Tools menu

    – Using Tweak option: Delete option wppa_wp_wppa_photos_lastkey

    – Using Tweak option: Delete option wppa_cached_options

    Now you can upload your photos again.
    If you import them, make sure their names are NOT a large number like: 20130601153356.jpg

    Thread Starter philchillsofade


    Thanks a lot for spending time on my question. I really appreciate it.

    This is indeed interesting. I think that it did not cause a problem with older wppa+ and wp versions.

    It sounds like that there is no way around uploading the pictures again.

    I also investigated a bit further. I am not sure to understand your max integer argument, but let me explain why I use the number code first. It is a combination of year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds. In older versions of wppa+ it was not possible to access the exif time stamps. As I have pictures from different cameras with different naming schemes, I renamed my pictures based on the time stamp to sort them by name (and therefore by time).

    About which integer length are you talking? A 32bit integer is much shorter anyway. For instance, I have a picture with name 20130608163629.JPG, which is displayed without problem. The picture before that one with 20130608163335.JPG is not displayed. If an integer would overflow, which can cause nasty problem (I know that from my work), I would expect that pictures up to a certain integer would work and that pictures starting from the rollover would not work. However, I do not see this behavior.

    It also appears that the pictures with the long ids do not have a corresponding picture in the data base. Therefore, I will not be able to delete them easily. For instance, aforementioned 20130608163629.JPG refers to https://phil.chillsofa.de/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/wppa/8343.jpg, but all the pictures in the following do not have a picture in the data base until picture 8344.jpg. In principle many pictures should have appeared in between.

    I also see that the long ids appear to be truncated in the “Missing thumbnail image #20130608164” statement. This number should be followed by three more numbers.

    I agree that something strange is going with long filenames ONLY containing numbers. For other albums I chose to make the filename something like 20130608163629_foto.JPG, which does not cause any problems. I will follow this strategy from now on.

    What is the Tweak Option plugin supposed to do in my case?

    Thanks a lot again.

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    What is the Tweak Option plugin supposed to do in my case?

    The last photo id used is stored in option wppa_wp_wppa_photos_lastkey. A similar problem as yours existed years ago when a timeout occurred during a database update when ‘auto increment’ was set for the db key. It was left at maxint in those cases ( i had two reports then, a 32 bit and a 64 bit case ).
    I then no longer relied on auto increment, but save the last key used for performance reasons to find the next available key i can start looking if lastkey + 1 is available, so no need to find that number.
    If you should have a key at approx maxint, you would get stuck very soon.
    So i wanted you to delete photos with that high key numbers.
    If the option wppa_wp_wppa_photos_lastkey is missing ( after you deleted it with Tweak option ), it will be re-created by newly finding the ‘high watermark’ automaticly, so setting the pointer at the right number for continuing.

    The behaviour of assigning photo ids = numeric photoname only happens on import, not on upload. This is because when you export an album, then delete its content and re-import it, the same original ids are used and that is nice for references in existing shortcodes like [wppa type=”photo” photo=”1234″][/wppa]

    If you ‘clean up the mess’ and do no longer import pure numeric photonames at import, it will cause no problems.

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