marley1: If you already created another page, try https://yourdomain/path2wp/index.php?page_id=2 to get to another page, assuming you made one. In my opinion, this is a bug. If you did not create another page, I suggest you uninstall and reinstall WordPress, and delete the database associated with it. As to how? I’m as new at this as you are. Mine’s been up a week.
To the rest of this “support group,” it is not reassuring that this query hasn’t been answered in 4 months!
I have the same problem. I created the website (fast! thanks! :). Then I created two pages. I went back to the default initial page, read its instructions to “edit or delete,” and deleted. Now when I enter my WordPress with “index.php” bare, I get the header, followed by “Not Found Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here.” The message is followed by a Search box. My solution is easy. page_id=2 points to an “About mywebsite” page, so my other web pages now point to this “internal” page, but either:
- Initialization should make sure page 1 is actually there before trying to serve it, or
- The admin account should have a way of recreating the page.
It is unlikely to matter, but I am on a LAMP, Apache 1.3.41, PHP 5.2.5, MySQL 5.0.45.
Suggestions would be appreciated for a simple way, using cPanel or phpMyAdmin, to reconstitute page_id=1, or persuade WordPress to ignore it.