• Hi everyone,
    Before I start, I assure you that I have searched and checked every single related post to this issue, to no avail. And the thing that ticks me off even more is that this worked just fine on my last machine.

    Anyways, I’m getting the dreaded “Missing temporary folder” error. Both my live and my localhost are running WordPress 2.9.2. My localhost is running the latest version of XAMPP. I have OSX 10.6.3. I have wordpress completely up and running on my local machine, and I’ve downloaded the .xml file from my live site. When I go to import, it first gave me this error: Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:

    Unable to create directory /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/06. Is its parent directory writable by the server?”

    Which I have no idea about. I created a folder called ’06’ under the ‘2010’ folder which got rid of this error. And led to the next one.

    I followed another solution, which involved editing my php.ini file, uncommenting the “upload_tmp_dir” and adding an absolute path to it

    upload_tmp_dir = /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010 (also tried getting rid of the 2010, or adding /06 to the end. Nothing.)

    This obviously didn’t work, because I’m still here.

    Another person mentioned editing .htaccess and adding some code, but opening that file only opened up a Terminal window that I couldn’t do anything with.

    This should be so easy!!!! Why is it being so damned difficult?!?!?

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  • I’m having the exact same issue on a local host. I was advised to check my permissions. I did so for XAMPP and I also double checked my database privileges and I’ve got the same exact problem.

    Here’s a solution that worked for me:

    I believe I’ve found a workaround solution. When using XAMPP on MAC:
    Concerning the Unable to create directory problem emmei, PTK, Fandango, Bobby B, and andreas were having on the mac version of XAMPP.

    I had the same problem and found it was a permissions issue. The workaround I found was to reset ownership of the WordPress instillation to nobody by running the following command in the terminal application (Applications>Utilities>Terminal).

    sudo chown -R nobody:staff /applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/wordpress

    Replace the last filename (wordpress) with the name of the folder for your WordPress instillation. Terminal will ask for your root user password. You will not be able to see what you are typing, but type it and hit enter.

    The matter is more complicated if you have run the [ /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp security ] program in terminal. I think this command changes the user permissions mask for the user nobody so that WordPress does not have write access to the folders it creates. I’m sure this was done for security reasons. I don’t know where this setting is in XAMPP so the only solutions I can think of is either not to run the security program or set up WordPress as it’s own user and reset file ownership accordingly.

    via: https://sixrevisions.com/tutorials/web-development-tutorials/using-xampp-for-local-wordpress-theme-development/

    That took care of it!! Thank You tdcinhawaii!!

    Hi Tdcinhawaii,

    I have been crawling the walls trying to resolve the issue of “Unable to create directory ” im very optomistic about your solution.

    I’m really hoping that you can point something out for me, im stuck on the section where you suggest ” Replace the last filename (wordpress) with the name of the folder for your WordPress instillation ”

    My wordpress installation folder sits in ” applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/wordpress ” should I rename the worpress to htdocs??

    aplogies in advance if this a stupit question ..



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