Home / Themes and Templates / missing style sheet
18 years, 6 months ago
Sorry, trying to search in the wrong field before I post. Either way, I couldn’t find what I was looking for.
Whenever I DL a theme, I get a missing style sheet error on my theme viewer. I can look at the files and style.css is clearly there.
I’m sure this is a no brainer but please point me in the right direction. Should I be pulling that file and storing it in another folder?
I’m a dunce and sorted it out. so sorry
I have the same problem. How did you solved it? Regards Erico
Sometimes when unzipping themes, they are placed like this: theme-name/theme-name
When uploading a theme, upload ONLY the theme-name folder, inside the first one.. so it should be like this, in the wp-content/themes/theme-name
Thank you,, once again ??
You’re welcome again.. =)