• Resolved tomirk


    – WordPress up to date?
    YES, 4.4.2

    – NextGEN up to date?
    YES, 2.1.26

    – What version of NextGEN Gallery did you upgrade from? (i.e. I had 1.9.13, then upgraded to 2.0.61)
    NONE, new install

    (please confirm the following, with your server host tech) :
    – MySQL up to date (at least 5.0)?
    YES, v5.5.44-37.3-log

    – PHP up to date (at least 5.2.4)?
    YES, v5.2.17

    – The mod_rewrite Apache module activated?

    – PHP Safe Mode OFF?
    YES (OFF)

    Additional information that will help us find a solution:
    – Who are you hosted with?

    – Does this error still occur if you switch your theme to a WordPress Twenty series theme and deactivate all plugins except NextGEN Gallery? (please be sure to clear your browser cache and reload your site after deactivating)

    This is standard installation, so, the path to the “test3” gallery should be “/wp-content/gallery/test3” but is “/wp-contentgallerytest3”.
    webroot is /
    It is home.pl hosting.
    I can’t either change to “without service separation” setting nor the host provider.

    I have searched for the solution and read forums and try to fix it and it takes me four hours. This is two years old problem! Please, fix this. Thank You.


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  • Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @tomirk – We have found this to be an issue with your web hosting service and not one that we have been able to test/work-around consistently. Unfortunately I do not have a link to the graphic (and it was in Polish, which I do not read) but there is an option (one of four) in your server settings that will correct this problem is the best work-around we have seen to date.


    – Cais.



    @tomirk you need to set a redirect to a subdirectory without separation of the service. Sepraracja causes an error cutting / character when creating the gallery.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @lemaq – Thanks for sharing!

    – Cais.

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