FYI, I picked up this project (a highly customoized wordpress site) where the last person left off so I don’t know the rational behind why certain plugins are in place but…
The plugin that’s installed and running is called RSS Pages For WordPress. I de-activated it and that did not resolve the issue.
I then tried activating a plugin called Fix RSS Feed. But that did not work. There’s a weird message on the plugins screen (where normally a brief description of the plugin would be) that says: “fix wordpress rss feed error “Error on line 2: The processing instruction target matching “[xX][mM][lL]” is not allowed.” while you burn wordpress rss feed from, also fix error “XML or text declaration not at start of entity” in firefox, and fix error “XML declaration not at beginning of document” in opera.” Is that description or error message???
Anyway, does this provides any insite into the direction to go in next? I’m hesitant to start disabling all the plugins and switching themes because this is a live site and we don’t yet have a development site up and running yet (that’s in the works).
Additonally, someone asked about “did you turn on RSS?” I thought RSS was auto enabled. I can’t find any RSS on/off switch. Am I missing something?
Please advise. Thanks!