• I just upgraded to 2.5.1 but now I seem to be missing all my posts in Manage Posts execpt the most recent. I change the date or category and only one post shows. I see other pages but, again, only one post shows on each page. I made sure Permalinks was set to Day and Name. All 85 posts show published next to “All Posts” but when I click they don’t appear.

    I bet it’s some setting somewhere I’m missing.

    All my posts appear on the website.


    Tom Husband

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  • Thread Starter tomhusband


    I also notice that my “Manage Tags” doesn’t start showing any tags until page 4.

    Here’s a screen shot of my “Manage Posts”. You can see it shows 85 posts but only one is listed.



    Thread Starter tomhusband


    Sorry to keep adding comments but I keep seeing things that aren’t right. Shouldn’t I have access to files so I can edit? I can access theme files but I don’t see any other selection for the other files. My previous version allowed access to WordPress files. Under “Manage” there used be “Files”.

    I’ve been reading about Permalinks and creating a new .htaccess file but there’s no way for me to access it on the Dashboard.

    I’ll shut up for a while.


    Your tagging plugin (I see custom tag code on your page) may be causing problems. Try disabling all of your plugins and see if the problems go away.

    Thread Starter tomhusband


    Thanks I tried that but no difference.


    Try switching to the default theme and see if that helps.

    Also, sometimes things go wrong when upgrading (uploaded files are corrupt or missing, etc.) so you could also try reupgrading with fresh WordPress files.

    Thread Starter tomhusband


    Thanks iridiax. Guess I’ll have to try and upload some new files. Changing the theme to default had no effect. Rather than uploading everything all over again should I start with some particular files that might carry code that has to do with categories and tags?

    Thanks again for your suggestions.


    Thread Starter tomhusband


    I do notice that when I switch to the Default or Classic theme only the most recent post shows. With my chosen theme, UnLimited 1.0 by WP Theme Land, all posts show and all appears to work correctly.

    Any body have an idea where I should look to resolve this?



    Thread Starter tomhusband


    OK now I’ve really hosed things up.

    I tried re-upgrading with fresh WordPress files and now I can’t get to the dashboard. It’s a blank page. I deleted and replaced wp-admin, wp-includes and all the other files except wp-config.php. I didn’t touch wp-contents. I did the https://example.com/wp-admin/upgrade.php thing with my site name but get a blank page.

    The website, however, is still there.

    What a nightmare. Any suggestions?



    Thread Starter tomhusband


    In the error log on my server I’m getting:

    [23-Jun-2008 23:37:47] PHP Fatal error: Class ftp: Cannot inherit from undefined class ftp_base in /big/dom/xcalifornia_travels/www/wp-admin/includes/bookmark.php on line 14

    I looked at line 14 in bookmark.php but I’m not a coder so it didn’t make sense to me. The part of bookmark.php says:

     * Link/Bookmark API
     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage Bookmark
     * get_bookmark() - Get Bookmark data based on ID
     * @since 2.1
     * @uses $wpdb Database Object
     * @param int $bookmark_id
     * @param string $output Optional. Either OBJECT, ARRAY_N, or ARRAY_A constant
     * @param string $filter Optional, default is 'raw'.
     * @return array|object Type returned depends on $output value.
    function get_bookmark($bookmark_id, $output = OBJECT, $filter = 'raw') {
    	global $wpdb;

    What is this error? Could it be part of my problem? Is it a server or WordPress issue?


    I just learned how to do this. If your database is intact, you can start all over again and it won’t matter, you’ll just have to tweak your changes.

    First I uploaded a whole new wordpress folder, newest version.
    I made sure the config file was the same.
    Second, I named the new folder for what I had it before – ‘news’.
    The old one I had renamed to news1 just until I was done and deleted it later.
    Then I hit up the site and it asked to update my database, so I hit that and it took a minute or so to do.
    I went in and changed to the Kubrick template and my stuff was all there.


    I still do not know why the color on the top stopped loading, but I suspect the server did something and it was corrupted by them.

    Whenever posts disappear for me, it’s usually because my time stamp is set incorrectly or I hit SAVE instead of PUBLISH so it only went in as a draft.

    Thread Starter tomhusband


    So you’re saying to upload all new files except wp-config.php? All my files are in the root (www) so I can’t rename that can I? How about my theme? Do I move that folder over afterwards? It feels like I’m just digging myself a deeper hole to get out of. Everything I’ve tried so far has made it worse.

    Thanks for your suggestion. It’s a bit scary though.


    Thread Starter tomhusband


    I’m going to try another upload of 2.5.1 to resolve my blank screen issue. After I’ve deleted and replaced all the files do I run the upgrade script again? Last time I tried that I got nothing.

    It seems my problem isn’t isolated but from other posts I’m not clear if their problem has been resolved either.

    I wish some of the experts would chime in here. If there is additional information that might help I’d be glad to furnish it. I’m just flailing away here and getting very discouraged.

    Thanks again,


    if you are flailing, why dont you ask someone else to take a look at what you have done. I honestly dont understand why ppl spend days and days on things and dont just get someone that KNOWS what they are doing..

    If youre willing to kick back a cpl bucks into someone’s tip jar, what is the hold up in asking????

    Thread Starter tomhusband


    You’re right. I would have asked and tipped a while back. I honestly didn’t know it was possible. Do I just ask on this forum or is there a special forum for that?

    If I can do that here would an expert please take a look at this thread and let me know where I went wrong? It is certainly worth some $$ to me.



    chances are that that youre going to get a better response over here:


    if you want someone to contact you though after reading this, you need to provide an email address ??

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