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  • Yes, this is a critical bug, that I have experienced as well.

    Bambora, please add this function to bambora-online-classic.php:

    And then use the new function to parse URLs for accepturl, cancelurl and callbackurl in the function “receipt_page”.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by jensji.
    Thread Starter abulow


    Hello again
    I may be asking a little stupid.
    But where do I put these lines in her ???

    function fix_url ($ url)
    ????$ url = str_replace (‘&’, ‘& amp;’, $ url);
    ????$ url = str_replace (‘& amp;’, ‘&’, $ url);

    ????return $ url;

    Do you want to show me where ??

    / **
    ?????????* receipt_page
    ?????????** /
    public function receipt_page ($ order_id) {
    $ order = wc_get_order ($ order_id);
    $ is_request_to_change_payment_method = Bambora_Online_Classic_Helper :: order_is_subscription ($ order);

    $ order_currency = Bambora_Online_Classic_Helper :: is_woocommerce_3 ()? $ order-> get_currency (): $ order-> get_order_currency ();
    $ order_total = Bambora_Online_Classic_Helper :: is_woocommerce_3 ()? $ order-> get_total (): $ order-> order_total;
    $ minorunits = Bambora_Online_Classic_Helper :: get_currency_minorunits ($ order_currency);

    $ epay_args = array (
    ‘encoding’ => ‘UTF-8’,
    ‘cms’ => Bambora_Online_Classic_Helper :: get_module_header_info (),
    ‘windowstate’ => $ this-> windowstate,
    ‘mobile’ => Bambora_Online_Classic_Helper :: yes_no_to_int ($ this-> enablemobilepaymentwindow),
    ‘merchantnumber’ => $ this-> merchant,
    ‘windowid’ => $ this-> windowid,
    ‘currency’ => $ order_currency,
    ‘amount’ => Bambora_Online_Classic_Helper :: convert_price_to_minorunits ($ order_total, $ minorunits, $ this-> rounding mode),
    ‘orderid’ => str_replace (_x (‘#’, ‘hash before order number’, ‘woocommerce’), ”, $ order-> get_order_number ()),
    ‘accepturl’ => Bambora_Online_Classic_Helper :: get_accept_url ($ order),
    ‘cancelurl’ => Bambora_Online_Classic_Helper :: get_decline_url ($ order),
    ‘callbackurl’ => apply_filters (‘bambora_online_classic_callback_url’, Bambora_Online_Classic_Helper :: get_bambora_online_classic_callback_url ($ order_id)),
    ‘mailreceipt’ => $ this-> authmail,
    ‘instantcapture’ => Bambora_Online_Classic_Helper :: yes_no_to_int ($ this-> instantcapture),
    ‘group’ => $ this-> group,
    ‘language’ => Bambora_Online_Classic_Helper :: get_language_code (get_locale ()),
    ‘ownreceipt’ => Bambora_Online_Classic_Helper :: yes_no_to_int ($ this-> ownreceipt),
    ‘timeout’ => ’60’,


    Thread Starter abulow


    Is not there anyone who can tell me where to put them here tags:
    function fix_url ($ url)
    ???? $ url = str_replace (‘&’, ‘& amp;’, $ url);
    ???? $ url = str_replace (‘& amp;’, ‘&’, $ url);

    ???? return $ url;

    I’ve tried some wrong things, nothing worked ??

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by abulow.

    Hi Annette/Abulow.

    They have released a new version. I think it might be fixed in that one.
    So try updating the plugin.

    Best regards, Jens.

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