• Resolved aviv86



    I’ve been through several forums and tried several workarounds. I’m still not able to resolve the problem, and not certain how it happened. All CTA buttons, most images (321/331), pages, and sliders are no longer visible. They exist in the CMS, but are no longer visible live. Images are still in the media library (but “Unattached”) and on the server. When I try to view pages other than the homepage, I receive the following error:
    Not Found
    The requested URL /accommodations/ was not found on this server.
    Apache/2.2.22 Server at dev.mylesandann.com Port 80

    Things I’ve tried:
    Changing permissions on the .htaccess file to 755.
    Changing permissions on the .htaccess file to 644.
    Renaming the .htaccess file to htaccess.txt
    Moving the .htaccess file
    Changing permissions on the /html/wp-content/uploads folder to 755 and 644.
    Rewriting the .htaccess file to:

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    # add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
    RewriteRule ^wp-admin$ wp-admin/ [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule ^ - [L]
    RewriteRule ^(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $1 [L]
    RewriteRule ^(.*\.php)$ wp/$1 [L]
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]

    I noticed here that WP started rolling out automatic background updates to 3.9.1. I know that I did not update, and somehow I’m running the latest version, so I have to assume that it automatically updated. I’m hoping that this is the root of the problem, and that there is a solution?

    Forums I’ve checked out for possible solutions, to no avail:

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  • I used a tool called FireBug and toggled on and off this attribute in the general CSS file where it says:

    .animated {
        visibility: hidden;

    When I disabled visibility, all images showed up! So I believe the problem lies in WordPress not being able to find the CSS file called “animate-custom.css”.

    Firstly, I’d try uploading a brand new copy of WordPress via FTP or better. Upload everything apart from wp-content. It appears that you have several scripts missing from their proper path and this may be the result of a failed upgrade.

    If that doesn’t set you on the road to recovery, you’re may want to speak to your theme author’s since your theme isn’t supported in these forums:


    @dave, the WordPress copy she has is just fine, it is probably just that the animate-custom.css file is not being called correctly.

    @aviv86, the WordPress copy you have is the most current version of WordPress. As for the theme itself, it might need to be reinstalled. Contact their support center at the link that Dave gave above.

    Best of luck to you! Btw, it is a nice site!

    Thread Starter aviv86


    Changed a line in the header.php theme file to:

    .animated {
        visibility: visible;

    Now I can see the images and buttons on the homepage, but links to other pages, animation, and the slider at the top of the page are still not visible. I’ve posted to ThemeFusion here.

    And fwiw, when I refer to “slider,” this should be appearing and animating below the header on the homepage.



    Open the site in Chrome and inspect the content. Console reports many missing scripts, including jquery.js.

    https://dev.mylesandann.com/wp-includes/ 403s whereas

    https://dev.mylesandann.com/wp-includes/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js 404s

    There’s stuff missing.

    @dave, ah I see! I use Firefox. Then I guess Ann needs to download a fresh copy of WordPress and upload files except the wp-content folder.

    Thread Starter aviv86


    @respectyoda & @dave THANKS! I deleted all files & folders except for wp-content and wp-config.php. This fixed EVERYTHING, EXCEPT for the links to internal pages/permalinks (i.e. dev.mylesandann.com/photos/ threw a 404). I was able to resolve the broken permalinks by going to Settings > Permalinks, and changing it to Default, saving changes, and changing it back to Post Name.

    It appears that everything is resolved! What a mess. Thank you!

    You are welcome. I am glad all is well and best of luck to both of you on your wedding planning.

    Thread Starter aviv86


    Thank you! ??

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