• I need to include the image credit for our Feature Images; however, I’m not finding a way to do it with this plugin. According to Facebook documentation we should include the <cite></cite> tag in the <figcaption> tag:

    <img src=”https://example.images.com/1.jpg”/&gt;
    <figcaption class=”op-vertical-below”>
    <h1>Image 1 Title</h1>
    Attribution Source

    However, the plugin only includes a filter to modify the feature src & caption.

    * Filter the featured image.
    * @since 0.1
    * @param array $image_data {
    * Array containg image source and caption.
    * @type string $src Image URL.
    * @type string $caption Image caption.
    * }
    * @param int $post_id The post ID.
    $image_data = apply_filters( ‘instant_articles_featured_image’, $image_data, $this->_post->ID );
    return $image_data;

    If I try to embed the credit in the caption it gets encoded. Can we add support for image credits using the <cite></cite> for feature images? I can’t use the transformer rules for this since it’s in the header.

    If I try to add the <cite></cite> tags in the with caption value they tags get encoded.

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