Hey Siriusly,
I’m the author of Kontrol ?? A few weeks ago WordPress took took the plugin down because of the way Kontrol ‘activated’ when unlocking the full version if you’d bought it and received a serial key.
When unlocking the plugin, it would contact my site (www.kontrolwp.com) and validate your license to see if it was legit, then it would activate the full version of it was. Unfortunately this ‘phoning home’ was a breach of the plugin guidelines which I didn’t realise, so after being up for 5 months they took the plugin down suddenly which was a pretty big shock!
This happened in the middle of me moving houses too, so it was pretty unfortunate timing. I’m currently in the process of coming up with a new way to unlock the plugin that won’t phone home, so hopefully it’ll be back up soon.
In the mean time, you can still grab the plugin from my site https://www.kontrolwp.com
Hope that helps,