• Resolved Pierre_02


    Hi Scott ?? !

    It miss a file in the last release (1.5.0)

    Warning: require_once(/path_to/wp-content/plugins/simply-static/vendor/composer/autoload_static.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /path_to/wp-content/plugins/simply-static/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 28

    PS. I use PHP 5.6 and 7.0

    Could you add it in the next release to correct that bug, please ?





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  • Hi Pierre,

    Give v1.5.1 a try. In trying to fix an issue with PHP 5.3, I inadvertently caused an issue with PHP 5.6+. It should be fixed now.


    Thread Starter Pierre_02


    Hi Scott ?? !

    I’ve tried it. The upgrade is now ok, the link to the generated pages is really cool, but every tag generated by the new release contain some
    useless empties tags src="" href="", one class have disappeared (.et-animated) from my class attributes, some styles attributes disappear too and the img src change from :
    <img alt="" src="https://domain.tld/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/04/screen-600x450.jpg">
    to :
    <img srcset="" lowsrc="" dynsrc="" longdesc="" usemap="" alt="" src="https://domain.tld/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/04/screen-600x450.jpg"> making some of them not displaying at all on the generated page… And I don’t understand why.
    My google maps doen’t show anymore…
    So for the moment, I think that I’m gone keep the 1.4.1 release ;)…

    PS. You’ll can see by yourself on the developpment website ;).



    Hi Pierre,

    v1.6.0 of Simply Static should fix that for you.


    Thread Starter Pierre_02


    YEEEES ?? !!

    Everything is working fine now ?? ! No more broken image or broken Google maps ?? ! Great !

    The email addresses hidden by the native WP function antispambot are now parsed but give :
    https://domain.tld/current_page(post)/mailto:[email protected]
    instead of stay untouched :).
    Anyway, that great improvements and I wish to thank you again because you’re gone to give us a pretty cool plugin Scott ?? !!



    Oh… that’s no good. Can you create a new ticket reporting that issue when you have a moment?


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