Checking the provided screenshot, it looks like you’ve configured it to be a QAPage from the default setting of WebPage.
Our default logic comes with a lot of build-in validation and error handling. These checks make sure that we don’t output invalid structured data in edge cases, or when we encounter conflicting options. They also help us to integrate all of the different pieces of schema which a page outputs.
By overriding the defaults, you may alter your schema markup in ways that don’t make sense, or which are incomplete.
So in order to resolve this, you’ll either need to add the missing markup (while you can set it as a QAPage in the Yoast SEO schema tab settings, you’ll still need to add the remaining markup) by adding custom code by way of our Schema API – https://developer.yoast.com/features/schema/api/
Or you can decide to set it back to the default of WebPage in the schema tab settings and it shouldn’t show that particular error message anymore. (but this might mean that it won’t be eligible for a Q&A rich result anymore).
You can test it out afterward on Google’s Rich Results Tool.
You can learn more about it here – https://yoast.com/help/selecting-content-types-in-schema-settings/
We hope this will help!