• Resolved awelsh


    Nice plugin, but from what I can tell, it is lacking a few basic features. This includes, when you open an accordion, it should position you at the top of its contents but it doesn’t. It is also missing an animated arrows or plus/minus indicating it can be opened. Once these features are added, it will much more useable.


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  • Hello,

    thanks for the new Feature “Switched the “+” beside each FAQ to a “-” when it’s open”. That what we need.
    But unfortunately now the Accordion (Close old open FAQ when a new one is clicked) didn’t work. I saw this on my page and tested with my test-WP. Installed Ultimate FAQ 0.23. Accordion works. Update to 0.24 Accordion didn’t work. https://themes.gerdzim.ch/plugin-demo/faq/ultimate-faq/
    Hope you can fix this. Thanks!


    Hi Gerd,

    Thank you for pointing the issue out. We will get it fixed by the end of the week!



    thanks for the quick solution. Ultimate FAQ is the best FAQ-Plugin I know!


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