Would be preferable if we could somehow save the Facebook user id. To generate articles with author profile pics included, its downright useless to have some auto generated
[first name][last name][some number]
In its stead, it would be really great if they could save the USER ID somewhere. Does anyone know if there are plans for this? Or am I truly missing the “easy street” solution for getting a contributor (who registered using Facebook Connect) current profile pic.
Before I was using AWD Facebook plugin which did this and was able to use something like this for displaying the profile pic. Quite useless in this current NextEnd plug setup.
<?php $fb_base = 'http:\/\/facebook.com\/';
$og_base = 'https:\/\/graph.facebook.com\/';
echo '<div class="ctr">';
echo '<div class="ilb author_box" style="background:url('. esc_url_raw( $og_base ) . $all_meta_for_user[fb_uid][0] . '/picture?type=large' .'); ">';
// echo '<a target="_blank" href="' . esc_url_raw( $fb_base ) . $all_meta_for_user[fb_uid][0] . '">';
// echo '<img src="' . esc_url_raw( $og_base ) . $all_meta_for_user[fb_uid][0] . '/picture?type=large" /></a>'; //?type=large
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';