• Resolved chemboy



    i’ve been sending myself test emails so i can view the progress of my design and have noticed something which could probably do with correcting…

    when i click on ‘View entire message’ and then look at the source code, i notice there are two </style> tages in the code, but no preceding <style> tags

    i assume they need adding by the developer and releasing as a small update?

    on a similar tip, i see there’s a field in the settings to add custom styles for the subscription and profile editing forms, but i think it would be great if there was another field to inject custom css into the actual newsletter, as the existing settings are somewhat limited. something for the next update perhaps?

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  • Plugin Support Michael Travan



    we are not aware of orphan style tags in the souce code, could you please post an example? I’ve passed the feature request on a css custom style box for newsletter to our developers for further evaluation, thanks about that!


    Thread Starter chemboy


    hello michael

    i delved deeper into the source code and discovered i’ve made an error.

    i was searching for instances of <style> and </style>, whereas the code includes a nonce=”[WHATEVER]” tag, so while i could find instances of the closing tag, i couldn’t find any of the opening tag. i’ve never seen other tags inside the style one before.

    my apologies for wasting your time.

    however, thanks for passing on my request for custom styling to your developers.

    i’ll close this query.

    Plugin Support Michael Travan


    No worries @chemboy , we’re here to help!

    Have a glorious day!

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