• someone helpfully(?) closed the topic i posted on…
    ho hum, i guess it was an old thread…
    anyhow, i upgraded to 2.5 and now the blog is working – even though all my old categories have dissapered (yet they still seem to be in my database). no major problem tho, i don’t ahve too many posts, so i can go tbrough them and re categorise.
    i do have a concern tho, where are the new categories going (i can’t seem to see them in the category secoitn of my sql database) and i’m a bit concerned that i may be storing up a problem in the future…
    I’m using the latesst version of 2.5, winddows vista.
    see my blog at https://www.joelafferty.com/blog
    any cluses anyone?

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  • i do have a concern tho, where are the new categories going (i can’t seem to see them in the category secoitn of my sql database) and i’m a bit concerned that i may be storing up a problem in the future…

    In WordPress 2.3 and newer, the categories are stored as “terms” in the terms tables. The old database tables wp_categories, wp_post2cat, etc., have been deprecated and are no longer used, although they may still show up in your database.

    I’m missing categories as well. 24 of them.

    I wouldn’t mind, but I want to create categories, and it’s saying the same name already exists. How can I find and delete these, so I can create them again?

    Same here, how do we get our categories back?

    I figured it out after rebuilding the wp_terms* tables. My installation of 2.5 doesn’t like categories with spaces. I went into the table and deleted the one category with a space and all of my categories came back! So now the question is why is this happening?

    OK there are more problems than just spaces. Now the categories are showing up, but when I click on a category it gives me a 404 error, ugh.

    I have the exact same problem after upgrading to 2.5. *Most* of my categories are still present and displayed in the UI. Some are missing from the UI (such as category listing or category selection for a new post) but still attached to and visible with old posts.

    It doesn’t seem to be related to spaces in categories. Any clues?

    Edit: I might add that the missing categories are present in the wp_terms table and look (apparently) fine.

    I made a clean 2.5 installation via Fantastic and my .xml import has about 500 empty catagories

    Problem solved (for me).

    Repairing tables had no effect. The problem in my case was that some of my top-level categories were turned into child categories with no parent on upgrade. That is, they had a non-zero value set wp_term_taxonomy.parent (I think, don’t have the table in front of me now). Setting this back to 0 — in effect placing the category back to the root level — restored their display in the UI.

    “Setting this back to 0 — in effect placing the category back to the root level — restored their display in the UI.”

    How then?

    hi guys,

    I had the same problem with missing categories after updating wordpress to 2.6, but found a solution (that works for now ?? )

    wp-dbmanager from Lester Chan

    Allows you to repair the db with one click!


    Today, Sunday morming, I experienced a horific, all-categories-gone, situation! I had no clue how it could happened. When in the morning I typed my blog’s URL the output looked like a disaster. I am just a casual developer with a very basic php tweaking knowledge. It was horrible, since in the admin panel I couldn’t even add a child category – everything was grayed out and all categories were suddenly set by, apparently by the God, as “uncatogorized”

    Luckilly, I found your thread, and, inspired by the “twharris” post I located in my backup inside a folder wp-includes a file taxonomy.php and I just overwrite to the webserver the damn file. Guess what – it worked!

    Please check https://www.eurovisionstore.com/ft01

    Thank folks for the inspiration – which helped me a lot. Just to let you know: I am still working with a pre-2.5. As I am writing to you, since it is something may be worth of shaing, I am doing another backup, just in case ??

    hey i have the same problem with you dude!
    . even i install my new wp it’s still the same thing!.. and even I create new category.. woopphY!.. nothing was save.. even i save it!


    I recently upgraded from v2.5.1 -> v2.7, and I wasn’t seeing my categories. Using phpmyadmin, I went to the appropriate table in the database that you mentioned, and changed ‘1’ -> ‘0’. And it worked!


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