• ResolvedPlugin Contributor champ1on


    Missing alerting the respondent to the empty field
    You’ve created a beautiful and subtle evaluation tests. Plugin has, however, even small errors. Most bothers me that the respondent is not notified, he has not filled a question. It casts a bad light on my page because it violates the law of the European Union WCAG2.0.


    I’d like to buy the extension Questions Section 2-5 Sites,
    Custom fields,
    Export results in csv,
    Results and scales visual editor,
    Paid results,
    Respondent notification about result by email.


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  • Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    It’s a standard native validation of browsers! I dont’ think that authors of HTML5 specs are not thinking about it.

    thereby forcing choose the first response

    I think here we can play with messages. But native messages are better as we already have them and they are localized.

    The second answer is covered and can not be selected.

    It’s covered on 1-2 seconds. Have you try it?

    “select an answer”

    The text there is “Please select an option”


    Plugin Contributor champ1on


    The second answer is covered and can not be selected.
    It’s covered on 1-2 seconds. Have you try it?

    When the bubble is lost, the customer does not know that the question is empty.

    Google changed the rules. SEO is dead, and in 2015, Google favors sites that bring B E N E F I T S to the customer.

    Sites that are contrary to EU rules are WCAG 2.0 and not user-friendly are placed at a worse position.

    I’ll give an example: Page https://apsiholog.ru/psychological-tests/
    It contains many deficiencies / violations. Customer sweeps back and forth and due to the high rate of abandonment of the site is the wrong page ranking in Google.

    The danger is that
    when a customer has his wordpress, which is built the way the visitors are accustomed, and inserts 2 plugins from any American what pisses on WCAG 2.0 so it is a problem.

    When both plugins behave differently, so one of them angry the visitor, who angrily left the site.

    Another bad example:
    An error message is placed at the opposite end than an empty input.

    Plugin Contributor champ1on


    3) The text “Please select” is wrong because it overlaps the answers and because it is redundant.

    Right to be highlight all the blank ANSWERS, not just the first in line. After filling out some answers to lose a highlighted frame and highlighted border should remain only in the other blank answers.

    The browser window have to be shifted so that the blank response was seen, and also the question over them and still 4 cm space above it.

    Here’s how it should be properly according to the rules WCAG2.0

    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    https://www.dobrotaprozdravi.cz currently not want to work. I will look later.

    to the rules WCAG2.0

    Why do you sure, that current implementation (default browser validation) is not ok for WCAG2.0?

    Psl show at least one point, that does not match to WCAG2.0? Just let’s quote it and show me concrete points.

    Plugin Contributor champ1on


    WCAG 2.0 is mandatory for the “government sites”.

    98% of the sites where the EU citizen climbs, observes a much higher level of customer friendliness. I’m sure. And I definitely think that each owner of wordpress want to get between 98% successful companies.

    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    Let’s just point by point prove that current implementation is not WCAG.

    I mean plugin + forms add-on.

    Plugin Contributor champ1on


    For example, the references (links) should be color-coded, underlining or any deviation from the normal font. Link color, also color a:hover should be the same on the whole site. Link must be visible even without ?mejdění mouse.

    Logo left
    search right
    Below that is to be written, what visitors will receive on your site.
    Contacts in contact page, etc.

    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    champ1on, I mean not about some site but concretely about one plugin feature that called “Required fields (questions)”.

    Here are three links that I found first and that I remember that should be ok with current implementation:

    * https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/ARIA2.html
    * https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/H90.html
    * https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/G83.html

    Pls find there concrete points, where we dont’ comply to WCAG20. What I’m missing there?

    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    I will add some of features to the styling addon:

    * correct/wrong questions border/background
    * inputs/selects width/size

    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    Hi @champ1on! Export addon is done. You can order it now.

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