Hi @daniel_richard,
Was “forced” to install MailPoet to complete the WC5.7 “WooCommerce Setup” steps.
Noticed that the Admin Menu’s icons (for other plugins) suddenly disappeared (something from Mailpoet was overriding native WP’s admin menu behavior). Was wondering if there is any fix for this?
MailPoet is recommended when installing the WooCommerce plugin, but not required in order to complete the setup.
Can you please let us know if the problem affects the icons from the default WordPress admin menu or only for other 3rd-party plugins?
If you’re referring to a few other 3rd-party plugins, that’s MailPoet no-conflict system preventing other scripts and styles from breaking our admin pages.
We have two filters that can be used to whitelist scripts and styles, but you’ll need to find out the domain of your theme or plugin to allow them to work on MailPoet admin pages:
For styles:
function ($whitelistedStyles) {
$whitelistedStyles[] = 'modern-events-calendar-lite'; // please change the plugin name to whitelist
return $whitelistedStyles;
For scripts:
function ($whitelistedScripts) {
$whitelistedScripts[] = 'modern-events-calendar-lite'; // please change the plugin name to whitelist
return $whitelistedScripts;
modern-events-calendar-lite is just an example. This one must be replaced by your plugin’s text domain, which you can add from the plugin’s php file.