• richardcrouse99


    On Friday my site stopped allowing me to upload photos. I keep getting a, “Missing a temporary folder” message… also, I can no longer update plug ins. I have made no changes to my site… can you help?

    • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Everything else WordPress topic

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Have you go this in your wp-config file?

    define('WP_TEMP_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-content/temp/');

    If not, paste this code to the file just before the line that says ‘That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging’

    If this doesn’t, then check the directory permissions for your wp-content folder and make sure it is writeable by the server – it should be 755

    Thread Starter richardcrouse99


    Where do I find the That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging’ line?

    It’s in the wp-config.php file. which is located in the root of your WordPress installation.

    You will need to open it using a FTP Programme or through your file editor on your website hosing account.

    If you don’t have access to this, contact your hosting company and ask them to check your WordPress folder permissions.

    I’ve done this fix, and I still can’t add media to my wordpress site.

    Hey same here. Specifically preventing the upload of new media files.

    Added this line to wp-config.php:
    define(‘WP_TEMP_DIR’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/wp-content/temp/’);

    Made sure wp-content\temp directory existed.
    Set temp directory permissions to 755 (also tried 777).

    No dice. This occurred once before following a WP upgrade a few months ago (Jan 2020ish), but in that case following the steps above worked – but not this time. Everything else appears to be functioning normally. Little help here.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by jkintzele.

    Have you tried this?

    Log into your server or use your FTP.

    Open public_html folder.

    Now create a file with a name php.ini

    Place the following code inside the file:
    upload_tmp_dir= your/path/to/public_html/temp/

    Save the file.

    Create a temp folder at the same location, i.e. inside public_html.

    If the issue is not resolved, I strongly recommend you to contact your hosting provider as this is a server configuration problem

    Martin, good call. Process was a little different as this was on Fatcow, but the guidance was helpful. For anyone on Fatcow:

      Login to your Control Panel.
      Go to CGI and Scripted Language Support.
      Click PHP Scripting.
      Your php.ini file is displayed in a text box at the bottom. Click Edit if you cannot edit the php.ini file text.
      Find the line:
      ;upload_tmp_dir =
      Update this line by removing leading semi and then put the path to the temp directory you created and set to 755 per Martin’s instructions above. You should have something of the format:
      upload_tmp_dir = /home/users/web/uniquestringforyou/uniquenameforyou/temp
      Click Save then try another upload

    I have the same problem on my site. Having searched the forum and googled this issue to death, I can’t find anywhere which explains why it happens in the first place to a site which has been running happily for 4 years with no issues like this before? Especially when the only likely changes that have been made are various plugins being updated. Anyone have any ideas?

    I had this problem on my Linux server. My temporary files exceeded the maximum space limit and my host deleted the temporary files and the folder they resided in.

    When the temporary folder was deleted by my host, I kept seeing the “Missing a temporary folder” error message when I tried uploading images.

    The solution is very simple and does not require editing the wp-config or php.ini files.

    Log into your server or your FTP

    Open your root directory

    Create a tmp folder inside your root directory

    If you don’t have root access, place the tmp folder in your public_html directory

    Make sure the folder name is tmp, NOT temp

    If you don’t have root or public_html access, ask your host to create a tmp folder in the root for you.

    That’s it. Problem solved.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Floridian12.

    In my case it was the ‘Inodes’ (see the meaning here). The Inodes you can find in your CPanel Statistics. Mine was over 100%, hence the error.

    To reduce your number of inodes you may want to see all these solutions proposed in this article: https://www.socmedsean.com/solved-how-do-i-reduce-my-inode-usage-on-siteground-hostgator-or-other-hosts/

    – Remove Unused Themes
    – Remove Old Plugins That Aren’t Needed Or Are Deactivated
    – Remove Overly-Complex Folder Structures
    – Remove Obsolete WordPress Core Files
    – Reduce The Number Of Images You Have Stored On Your Server
    – Delete Old Backup Files
    – Remove Unnecessary Cache Files
    – Work With Your Host To Remove Folders In The /tmp Or /temp Folders That You Might Not Have Access To

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