• I’m trying to access Settings->Miscellaneous because I want to turn off the month-year upload directory structure, but the option for Misc is not under the settings category. Can anyone help me, make this an option? I have it enabled under Site Options, but still doesn’t appear ?? Is there a direct URL I can try?


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  • Thread Starter mschwade


    Thanks RVoodoo.. It brings up a page that has the header “Miscellaneous Settings” and then a “Save Changes” button underneath it ?? No actual settings to change ?? Any more advice?

    Thanks in advance.

    Thread Starter mschwade



    Thread Starter mschwade


    Is there a table in the database I can update to turn off the month-year upload directory structure for Blog 1?

    Thread Starter mschwade


    Nevermind, I found it.. If you stumble across this post and are having the same issue… Look for uploads_use_yearmonth_folders in the WP_X_OPTIONS table and set it to 0 to turn off the month-year directory structure for uploads.

    A wrecked Admin view could indicate broken or missing files in wp-admin or wp-include. Re-uploading them through ftp is always worth a try.

    i’m new to WordPress and I wanted to know if I can acess the Miscellaneous Settings ‘cuz it doesn’t appear on the settings. How would be the direct link to the Miscellaneous Settings with my domain lookouts.wordpress.com (thelookouts.org)?

    acessing with the link someone posted above, my page shows ‘Error 404 – Not Found’

    Hi Gabriel,

    If this

    gives a 404 I would recommend to re-upload the folder wp-admin. Teh file should be there.

    Oeps, I don’t know if this is valid when you are hosted at wordpress.com

    Settings->Miscellaneous not working any more…

    and try this


    Hope it helps

    Same issue here:

    1) My forst request was why do I get the “Unable to create directory /public_html/wp-content/uploads/2010/07. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
    and found the remedy to be in the Miscellaneous settings

    2) My miscellaneous setting tab is not there

    3) There are NO options-misc.php file neither on my server nor in the WP 3.0.1 file so have no idea how to apply the above recommandation

    there is a misc.php file in https://www.domainn.com/wp-admin/includes/misc.php thought and have wirte over it with a fresh wp file…still not working, error 1 & 2 persist

    4) What do you mean by using the Media settings? What is there to change, tried some variation, no resolve

    Actually is possible that Miscellaneous tab has been removed from WP 3.1 alpha?

    Settings->Miscellaneous was removed in 3.0.

    As for your other questions:

    1. Change the permissions on the wp-content directory to 766. If you still have problems, try 767 or 777. Once your uploads are working, change the permissions on wp-content back to 755 again and check that everything still works OK.

    2. See above

    3. This topic was started 7 months ago and references WP 2.8

    4. See Admin/Settings/Media

    Awesome, thanks…I thought I had done that but obviousl not as high as 777 and it is working. reverting back to 755 now

    I need to redirect my uploads to a different folder.
    I found a forum that says to go to the Admin Panel options->misc
    After reading the this forum I see that doesn’t exist
    but I also can’t find wp-admin/includes/misc.php

    This is what I am trying to do:

    1. Create a new file called path.php and paste the following code in it :

    $p = getcwd();
    echo $p;

    2. Upload it in the folder of your webserver (remember to use the folder where you want the images/files to be uploaded).
    3. Open the file in webbrowser for e.g. https://www.example.com/images/path.php
    4. Copy the path : this path is the absolute path of the images folder.
    5. On WordPress Admin panel; go to Options->Misc
    6. Paste the copied path in the text box and save the changes.

    From now on whenever you’ll use WordPress admin or if you’ll use any blogging client then it will upload the images in the desired directory and not wp-content/uploads

    Any suggestions would be very much appreciated

    Actually you already answered my question.
    It was in the settings media folder.
    thank you

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