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    Same problem!

    Custom permalink = website/parent/child/product
    SEO Permalink = website/product

    Well, I got an issue with the plugin as well. Woocommerce shop was setup on different domain but after moving it to parent domain, the mainpage (shop) is displayed as it should only if logged in. Without login, it displays the latest product added in shop as Homepage. It took me a while to figure it out that if I disable the plugin everything goes back to normal excepting URL structures (permalinks, set as domain/product-custom-url instead of domain/category-product/product-name when disabling it). I don’t know if this is related to moving but only when the customer checked out the shop the difference was noticed. Any combinations with permalinks structures and even creating a new homepage as shop didn’t did the trick. So, if it wouldn’t work at all, it wouldn’t work neither if logged as admin so the plugin can do a proper display but something should be modified and I have no clue … Pity its not fully working, otherwise it’s a great plugin.

    I was having the same problem. Since there didn’t seem to be a solution posted by the creator I had to figure out one on my one. Figured I’d share it in case someone else stumbles across this like I did with the same problem. I added the following line of code to the custom-permalinks.php file on line 426 after the closing </span>:

    <span id=”editable-post-name-full”><?php echo htmlspecialchars($permalink ? urldecode($permalink) : urldecode($original)) ?></span>

    The Yoast plugin reads the page name from the following span based on the id to determine if the URL is compliant. The only problem with the solution is that it will only work once the page has been published since prior to that the page name is the default wordpress link structure of “?page_id=2376”. Figured this is better than it not working at all. Maybe if the developer gets around to it they can incorporate the fix into their next update and find a way to get the correct permalink name to show up before the page is actually published.

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