• Hi,
    I am completely new to wordpress and in the process of making a portfolio website using Simple grid theme(https://www.dessign.net/simplegridtheme/).I really like the theme,however I am facing few minor issues as below
    1)When i add more than 12 posts/items in the featured images grid I am not getting the “scroll more arrow” at the bottom as is present in the theme. Thus i m just restricted to 12 posts ?? .Please help how to get the scroll more arrow to view more display more than 12 items/posts.
    2) When i add single page then or header menu, the menu/page name gets “repeated twice” in the menu bar. I have no idea why its repeating twice when i add only once.

    Please provide your help/guidance to resolve the above issues as I really want to complete my portfolio urgently. ?? Thanks a lot.

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  • I’m also having a problem with the double menu. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    Thread Starter DhananjayG


    Hi mseaver,
    One thing i noticed is that if you add at least one menu in categories_menu then the menus in header_menu don’t repeat twice.Although this is not the solution, I have done this to avoid repetition of header menus as of now. By the way, are you able to see more than 12 posts in the homepage ie does the scroll arrow appear below 12 posts ??

    I just noticed this myself by watching the video on the theme’s homepage and it seemed to work. I haven’t set up more than 12 posts yet so I haven’t come across the other problem. I’ll let you know if it becomes an issue. If you don’t get a response maybe try going to the developer’s facebook page – you might get a quicker answer.



    I seem to be having the same problem with my website. When I create a menu (sleeps 4) it posts double, can anyone advise in layman’s terms how to rectify the issue.

    Thanks in advance

    The problem is in the “Simple Grid Theme Responsive:” Header (header.php)

    You can “comment out” the code that is responsible for the extra menu in the header template.
    Go to :
    Appearances -> Editor and open the header.php

    Be careful – you are messing with the core code here –
    Commenting out is done by adding this:
    in front of it the code block
    and then
    after the code block.

    What looks like this now in the document “header.php”:

    ` <ul class=”cat_menu”>

    <li><a href=”#”>WebDesign</a></li>
    <li><a href=”#”>Graphics</a></li>
    <li><a href=”#”>Print</a></li>
    <li><a href=”#”>Posters</a></li>
    Should be made to look like this:

    <ul class=”cat_menu”>

    <li><a href=”#”>WebDesign</a></li>
    <li><a href=”#”>Graphics</a></li>
    <li><a href=”#”>Print</a></li>
    <li><a href=”#”>Posters</a></li>

    Click the update button and check if the extra menu hasn’t disappeared.
    If this works ok – you can go head and simply delete the extra code and the comment tags.

    I just downloaded this theme yesterday – the commenting out mentioned above is already in place in the (updated?) version I downloaded, but issue #2 mentioned by DhananjayG remains:

    2) When i add single page then or header menu, the menu/page name gets “repeated twice” in the menu bar. I have no idea why its repeating twice when i add only once.

    I can’t link to the page – I’m using WordPress locally to learn it first. As soon as you add something to the category_menu this is resolved. But I’d rather not have categories listed at all.

    question, i’ve tried everything and i could be missing something so simple. how do i add a post/tile/topic? i don’t see anything when i create a post or a page. i can manipulate the menu but not the categories or where the grid section fills in.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Create your own threads for support with your own issues.

    Hi DhananjayG, I know you posted this 5 months ago but I just figured out how to increase the number of posts from 12 to any other number – you just have to edit the index.php the line

    ‘posts_per_page’ => 12,

    can be changed to ‘posts_per_page’ => 18,

    or whatever number you need. Best to keep it to multiples of three though

    After looking at the php, the answer to duplicate items in the menu can be found by looking at the code for creating the menu in the header.

    The php to create the 2 parts of the menu is looking for a ‘header_menu’ and a ‘category_menu’, both of which need to be created in the Appearance>Menus area of WordPress. Create two new menus with the appropriate names, add pages to the header menu and categories to the category menu.

    Sorted ??

    in other words if you want only pages in your menu
    go to the header file (header.php) in the editor and uncomment:
    <?php wp_nav_menu('menu=category_menu&container=false'); ?>
    on the other hand if you want only categories then uncomment:
    <?php wp_nav_menu('menu=header_menu&container=false'); ?>
    Thanks timbozo!

    I love this theme, but a big issue going forward is the tags not working.

    I have my tag cloud enabled and on sidebar yet when I click a tag I get a error and am redirected to main index with all posts. I tried a different theme, and it tags worked perfectly.

    Looking for any help. thank you.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Create your own threads for support with your own issues.


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