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  • You pay ??? What do you have to pay ? There is no pro version of the plugin as I know. Did you review the good plugin ?

    And you are right: saving can be very small (10% for me)… if the images you upload are already optimized. The plugin is here to make the best optimizatioin and it depends on the quality of the original image.

    Thread Starter qprints


    There is a cloud version with subscription
    I must have reviewed the rubbish plugin, can you direct me to where can I download the good one?
    I have found that the savings on un-optimised images are a I said, miniscule
    The plugin is there to upsell to the cloud version with subscription
    I know I am right, the first thing the plugin owner tried to do was upsell to the cloud version

    Cloud will not make any difference to the quality of your images ! It’s only for users using CDN for speed. Do you use CND for your images ? If not, your review is not appropriate.

    The plugin cannot do any miracle: if you use already optimized images, the gain will be very little. For my images, I gain only 10% of the weight. It’s an optimization tool not a miracle thing changing 2 Mo images in 100 ko images without losing quality and size.

    Most of the people making here a bad review seem to have no idea of what “image optimization” means.

    So: make a test with a page with images on GMetrix, see if your images are optimized or not and install the plugin. Optimize the iamges and take a look back to GMetrix to see it images are optimized. But don’t hope you will gain 30%/50% of weight.

    Thread Starter qprints


    what has a Content Delivery Network got to do with image file size optimisation?

    OK ,here is how it works: the plugin optimises the images you upload on your server in media library of WP. But some people use clouds to host their images so they gain some speed for their site – and their server is less busy as the browser look at the images on the cloud.

    These images are not on the original server so, in theory, they cannot be managed correctly by your WP installation. EWWW Image Optimizer is built to manipulate these images even if they are on a cloud and not on your WP installation. This is the paying side of the plugin and does not interest most of the regular WP users.

    I hope it’s clearer – my English is not very good.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    @qprints, I think Li-An misunderstood what you meant by cloud. Folks often mistake that for a CDN. The free plugin is not meant to upsell anyone to anything. It is the best possible optimization that can be offered for free.

    As Li-An said, check gtmetrix, or pagespeed insights before you run the plugin, and then run it again afterwards. The free plugin will fully compress images to the expectations of both of those analysis tools.

    The Cloud API was created in response to user demand, I had no expectation of making any money from it when I started the service. The lossy functions that can save you up to 60 or 80 percent were also added in direct response to user requests (I originally did not want to do anything except lossless compression). These cost money, but by integrating it with the Cloud API, it saves everyone money.

    By way of example, the base cost for a single JPEGmini server is about $130/month. Who can afford to pay $130/month to get great compression? Not many folks that I know. But spread the cost out over 1000+ users, and then it is feasible. That’s the only reason it costs money. I give the plugin away for free, and I give support for free, it doesn’t get much better than that for free.

    Thread Starter qprints


    Li-An, the cloud version of EWWW Image Optimizer is where the images are optimised on the cloud but then stored on your server see
    The cloud version uses a better, higher image compression algorithm

    Your English is a hell of a lot better than my French ??

    Thread Starter qprints


    see nosilver4u that bugs me, there is no such thing as lossless jpeg compression, jpeg is a lossy image file format, the fact that an image is in jpeg format means it has already lost a ton of image information

    Interesting discussion ??

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Even though jpeg is a lossy format, it only loses pixels if you edit the image in something like Photoshop and then re-save it. Tools like jpegtran (there are many others available) are designed to re-encode the image using better algorithms without modifying the actual pixels of the image. Additionally, stripping metadata can be done without losing even one pixel of visual data. Newer iterations of jpegtran are working on lossless rotating and cropping as well. So just because the format itself is lossy, does not prevent you from performing lossless operations on the file.

    The reason this even exists is because huffman encoding is CPU intensive, so cameras often use cheaper, less-intensive algorithms for the sake of battery life. If you use the right settings out of Photoshop or the GIMP, you can save images optimized right from the start, but they do not generally default to the these settings (or at least they didn’t use to).

    Also, tools like GD and Imagemagick which are used to generate the various resizes of your image uploads in WordPress do not use the best compression, so they will almost always be unoptimized unless they are processed by EWWW or another IO plugin. If you take a look at Jetpack’s Photon extension, you’ll see similar behavior. While it can save you a lot of load time by resizing your images on the fly, it does not use the best compression, because it would slow down page loads too much.

    Probably way more information than you wanted to know, but if you’re going to argue the technology, you ought to educate yourself first.

    Thread Starter qprints


    I’ll stand by the tests I did with my 15 year old software program

    un-optimised image

    EWWW reports
    Reduced by 7.6% (33.4 kB)
    Image Size: 406.36 kB

    That same image saved again with Paint Shop Pro 7 (by JASC at the turn of the centuary, not Coral)

    Image Size: 106 kB

    That’s ancient optimisation for you

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Post links to the image from PSP7 and the one that was originally 400+kb

    But you did not explain how you “saved the image”. If there is a reduction of quality (50% to say), you can have hudge gain. I don’t think EWWW change the quality of the JPG (I read WP keep a 80% quality for the images).

    thanks you @nosilver4u for this awesome plugin and your time to answer and explain. always will be those losers who get angry someone has an upsell and can perhaps make a decent living which they can’t do. like what, everyone needs to give them freebies and never make money in any way?! they should be thankful there’s even a free version.

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