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  • Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    So you should run:

    kyle@~/prj/wp/wp-testing % vendor/bin/phpunit-php52

    Same as in travis’ script:

    Plugin Contributor osfans


    Finally, it works after I install wordpress and wp-testing locally.
    And set database in db/ruckusing.conf.php.
    Is it OK?

    kyle@~/prj/wp/wp-testing % vendor/bin/phpunit-php52
    PHPUnit @package_version@ by Sebastian Bergmann.

    Configuration read from /home/kyle/prj/wp/wp-testing/phpunit.xml.dist


    Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 7.75Mb

    OK (46 tests, 65 assertions)

    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    Yes it is.

    Now create your fork, create there some branch like issue/minumum-score and work in it locally.

    Do you know “git flow”? It will help you to work in git in nice manner. For github I prefer to use prefix “issue” for features.

    Here is my config just in case:

    garex@ustimenko ~/src/github/wp-testing $ cat .git/config
    	repositoryformatversion = 0
    	filemode = true
    	bare = false
    	logallrefupdates = true
    [remote "origin"]
    	url = [email protected]:garex/wp-testing.git
    	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    	push = refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
    [branch "develop"]
    	remote = origin
    	merge = refs/heads/develop
    	rebase = true
    [branch "master"]
    	remote = origin
    	merge = refs/heads/master
    	rebase = true
    [gitflow "branch"]
    	master = master
    	develop = develop
    [gitflow "prefix"]
    	feature = issue/
    	release = release/
    	hotfix = hotfix/
    	support = support/
    	versiontag =
    Plugin Contributor osfans


    I’ve never use ‘git flow’, and never wonder git could works in such a nice way. I’ll have a try.
    Too many things(php, phpunit & git flow) to study.


    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    osfans, developer courses for free ))

    * Only before the end of the March!

    Plugin Contributor osfans


    So I will do as follows:

    1. start a new feature from develop
    2. try to fix and test.
    3. finish the new feature and merge into develop
    4. create PR

    Is it the right workflow of merging a new feature?

    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    All without 3. finish the new feature and merge into develop

    Just push your branch onto your fork and then on GH press “Create pull request” — then inside it we will discuss this-and-that and after all I’ll finish it and merge into develop.

    So you will not need to think about branches sync. You can even delete your fork and create it once again after some time — then you will get synced branches.

    Plugin Contributor osfans


    It seems that I have to create a TestTest.php instead of adding a testcase in ScaleTest.php.

    A big project! I’m not sure I can manage it.

    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    Just try and may be it will happens.

    Regarding how to save/add data see

    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    startin fix

    Plugin Contributor osfans


    It works!
    So you test scale max and length instead of min.


    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    Fixed in develop.

    Yes, actually it was not so simple ))

    But now all infrastructure created and future test tests will be more easy to write.

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