• I’ve even installed the “Date Exclusion SEO” plugin but the text still shows up.

    I don’t want to see anything at all. No “posted by” “on what date” “comments are closed”

    I want the site to look clean and not bloggy with all that text.

    Any help would be fantastic
    Thanks in advance

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Heh, “bloggy” — good description!

    You should first create a child theme so your changes persist if you update your main theme. Then find which templates contain the offending text and copy them to your child theme. Start looking in content-single.php and comments.php, which probably have the text which bothers you.

    On your child theme template copies, simply delete or comment out the portions which generate the offending text. Use care to ensure all the various tags still close properly and all php syntax remains correct.


    answer… depends on your layout.. go to edit your post, on the right hand side, there are a few options for format.. figure out which one your using and read below… If you want the whole thing gone, delete the entire section that i post… if you only want individual lines removed, delete the entire line starting immediately before <li> to immediately after </li> so to delete written by, you would delete:
    <li><?php _e( 'Written by', 'minimatica' ); ?> <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?></li>

    if STANDARD, ASIDE or LINK look in content.php for:

    <aside class="entry-meta">
    				<li><?php _e( 'Written by', 'minimatica' ); ?> <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?></li>
    				<li><?php _e( 'on', 'minimatica' ); ?> <time datetime="<?php the_time( 'Y-m-d' ); ?>"><?php the_time( get_option( 'date_format' ) ); ?></time></li>
    				<li><?php _e( 'Filed under', 'minimatica' ); ?> <?php the_category( ', ' ); ?></li>
    				<?php edit_post_link( __( 'Edit', 'minimatica' ), '<li>', '</li>' ); ?>
    			<?php the_tags( '<div class="entry-tags">', ' ', '</div>' ); ?>

    if AUDIO, VIDEO, IMAGE, or GALLERY, look in corresponding content-audio.php, content-video.php, content-image.php, content-gallery.php for

    <aside class="entry-meta">
    				<li><?php _e( 'Posted by', 'minimatica' ); ?> <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?></li>
    				<li><?php _e( 'on', 'minimatica' ); ?> <time datetime="<?php the_time( 'Y-m-d' ); ?>"><?php the_time( get_option( 'date_format' ) ); ?></time></li>
    				<li><?php _e( 'Filed under', 'minimatica' ); ?> <?php the_category( ', ' ); ?></li>
    			<?php the_tags( '<div class="entry-tags">', ' ', '</div>' ); ?>

    As stated above, usually good to back things up…

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