@bornforphp Is this snippet only just changing the expiry from 30 days to 3 days? How much space do you expect a days’ worth of cache to take up? For a ~300-400mb WordPress installation, the minify cache was taking up more than 10 GB.
Even if it was caching an entire copy of the website once per day (which it shouldn’t be doing, right?), it still shouldn’t be that big even if it was keeping 30 copies of it.
Maybe I’m missing something, but isn’t this folder just supposed to have minified (i.e. smaller) versions of JS and CSS files? That should be pretty small, right?
On a different site on the same server, for example, the wpo-minify folder takes up only 3mb. And that’s for a website that is about the same size (300-400mb WordPress installation). Another site, a WP installation just over 400mb, has a wp-minify cache just under 200mb.
I did notice a pattern that it seems like the issue is much worse for older sites with a lot of posts in them. The sites that have been newly created in the last few years don’t seem to have an issue with the wpo-minify folder.
I don’t mind trying the code snippet to see if it helps, but I’d like to understand a little more of what’s going on.